Not really and EU related achievement but still :) After 3 years and countless hours of non-studying finally it's over. Next step is army which...
I went there, killed some small mobs, flew around for a while looking for something bigger, didnt find any, and left. Not much of a first...
Today it's been 5 years to the day since I first logged in EU :) Lots of memories and friends I have made on the way, glad to still be around
So it has :) Been snowing a lot the last few days and the temperature is quite respectable as well, only -22C currently, but it was -33 this...
Gratz :) And nexux, it was Lr32 or Lr41, drones drop those two :)
Congratz to both of you! :)
Well I have seen it so it definetely exists! :D (Too bad i didn't take a screeshot)
Looks good! Font is a bit small but other then that nothing to complain!
Im willing to chip in
Circles like that have existed as long as i remember (oh god its been almost 5 years!), but nowadays it seems to be the most popular form of...
Nice one :)
Visited Next Island few days ago and tried the timetravel thing and went to Ancient Greece. Next Island wasn't much fun, looks nice but there is...
They supplied some ammo but not enough to finish the mission, I bought more from a local trade terminal, but used max 10peds worth total on the...
I have been hearing a lot of good things about "The thing" on Rocktropia, so I desided to check it out! I joined forces with a friend and together...
Looks awesome :D
Some things i noticed: -tags (bold, italic etc) dont work in signature. -smilies look stupid, example: :D
How is The Wagon doing? :D I have been looking at cars like that myself, might get me one some day :D