Happy B-day :)
Well I still think I was the best :hehe:
Next saturday same time?
Should be in your account section on FPC website
Too bad I had to leave, almost fell asleep on my keyboard
Im good with any night actually as long as its between 20 and 0 MA time
I agree, it was great fun and would be awesome to do it again. The problem is, that as unfortunate it is that making a fixed date for monthly...
"Why does everyone run away, even if I say Hi nicely :("
There is a storage on CND also :)
Ill join yerr and kill yerr al and im terr pirateh
Here is few pictures from me
Was a great hunt, lot of ppl showed up and got a few swirlies too! Will post pics later, got some nice ones.
Im here :)
Today 20 MA time is good for me, where shall we meet?
"I think i really need to cut back on the beans..."
Sorry i couldnt make it, but i should be able to join you on weekend, just tell me when and where :)
I wont make it, too tired :(
Yep :)
I would really love to join but i think 22MA time is too late, its 1am here then and i got school now :(
It did not cost much actually, the body is purple and interior orange. Dont remember exact cost but it was 20-30peds max