Yay :p
Hi :) If you need any help just ask, lot of friendly people around here :grouphug:
Got this after some bad runs, made my day :)
Got this baby on my mornin run :)
What a nice way to end a good run ;)
A welcome surprise to a bad mining run :)
Talkerbot actually said something that makes sense? :confused::confused:
Luck defines how much you find, skill defines what you find.
Srsly cant be that hard :rolleyes: Well here u go :)
Logged into EF? :rolleyes:
So you can see it or cant? :confused:
Copy the address and paste to url ;)
U mean this? o.O [IMG]
Nice to see u bud!
Gratz :)
This is commonly used feature on forums and ill give my vote to that :)
Nice one, gratz :)
I would say korrs or p5a + 103 minimum, bigger the better