[IMG] This upcoming mission, Searching for Kylon, picks up with Bess Mackenzie at the end of Genetic Research 2. I’m so excited to share the next...
[IMG]First-Waver Sorensen, better known as Arthur, the Official Island Greeter, first discovered this rock one evening when he lay down to rest....
Mindark’s next date for planet partners to publish content will be August 28th, so that’s when Next Island will release our next content! This...
[IMG]I’m showing off the new HyperSense Spectacles, a new, craftable piece of armor, released as part of our May 29th content. Congrats to...
Here’s our new gameplay trailer! You may see some familiar faces in Greece — thanks again for your help! Continue reading...
[IMG] After August’s release of new content, there will be a small issue with Crystal Bay resident Sara Murray. Some players who’ve already...
Next Island Content Release May 29, 2012 Today’s content release offer a new missions, and introduces new blueprints, including the Hoplite...
Next Island will be shooting a promo video on Wednesday, May 23rd, at 4PM, EST (New York time!) We’d love to have you involved! If you’d like to...
[IMG]From What Makes RPG Dialogue Great And How It Can Go Wrong on Kotaku today: Dialogue in a video game, like dialogue in a movie or a...
Our release on May 29th is a smaller release, since we have just a couple weeks between patching in the Jungle Shorts, and the next publishing...
I pitched Jungle Shorts as one of our first Next Island unique outfits quite a while ago. On a jungle and beach world like this, khaki safari...
[IMG]Guilty as charged, weird Writer Leopard Meme. Continue reading...
[IMG]We expect our new Jungle Shorts to be published in tomorrow’s patch! You’ll be able to get the blueprint for these new colorable, craftable...
We’re not sure what’s happened with yesterday’s content, but we are finding many problems in live. After extensive testing on the new missions,...
Next Island Content Release May 1, 2012 / EU Release 12.6 Today’s content release introduces Dark Lysterium, offers new missions, and introduces...
The final art on Campbell’s Basic Framework and Lesser Elysia is in! [IMG] [IMG] (We’ve not made any changes to the components, uses or...
Just saw that Next Island broke 1500 followers on the gamer social network Raptr! [IMG] Have you synced up with Raptr yet? You can connect with...
You’re all familiar with the mineral Lysterium, which can be found and mined throughout the Entropia Universe. Here in the Next Island test...
[IMG]We’ve in the middle of testing for the May 1st release! Right now, I’m checking out the blueprint for a new component, Lesser Elysia, and...
[IMG] Campbell’s Basic Framework is one of the new components coming in the May 1st release. This art’s great, and I think the Elysians would...