I always thought an apartment your own crafting machine in it would be great
Thank you Admin
yes that was me back then
What's a long time ago?
Average Skills, Reg Depositor. Looking for a Society. I will be playing evenings USA Eastern Time Zone
Thanks to all of you. This game has changed alot
In the process of redownload EU Not sure if many are around that remember me but I am Justin Thyme. I have to see how much of my skills and...
ooops guess that Signature is a bit obsolete lol
Been away participating in the real worl wondering if there is reasons to return. What are the new planets like. Also a Hello to all the friends...
Today on at 2200 ma time we will be having a Live WOF Stage 1 scoring Recap show. Rayne Jade will be joining me to read...
Every Sunday night after the matches of the weekend are over. will have Rayne Jade on the air to do a recap of all the...
We are looking for donations of small tt guns as well as armor that the DJ's can use in competitions to help out New Players in Both Nea's Place...
I need some questions for Rayne Jade about WOF 2010. If you could leave your questions here that would be great. We will get as many of your...
She would give you the entire amount and if you wish to tip her that is your choice. BTW if Luck of an avatar means anything her Second bomb...
My wife plays EU now and then. When she does play she usually just runs around and mines for ore. If you craft much or are someone willing to...
I will sell you my Star Trek Open beta account for PEDS lol
Talk Thyme this weekend will be having on air as a Guest - Jenna Star Mercury. You can tune into to Talk Thyme on The...
She is Also a DJ on
Bump for event in 6 hours
Good job Chopper