The guys from Planet Arkadia have put up a few screenshots of their planet on their Facebook page Welcome to Facebook — Log in, sign up or...
Looks like Honey Kitten Little is the first (how reported it) to travel to Ancient Greece Time travel kitten!!!!!
Today I came across this on the SEE website the new logo: [IMG] and some info: SEE Digital Studios has joined the SEE family of companies as...
Well I and some other people really want your vote so they can win this competition. The goal was to upload pictures you thought looked like an...
test is to short
Like the title says I haven't played in 2 weeks now and to be honest I kinda like it. With all the crap going on the end of last year, with...
well, some of you already know, most do not, but I have my sisters 2 cats staying over for a while. They are pretty fun to play with and pretty...
A long time ago when MindArk was on some computer fair (or whatever you call them) they had little figurines of some of their mobs. [IMG]...
OH MY GOD, I almost forgot this again this year (8 minutes and counting) Today is the BIRTHDAY of RAZER and he's turning 6 :clap: !! I am what...
Was doing some research on Planet Michael and came across this: Q&A with Pamela Pearlman On Planet Michael Q&A with Pamela Pearlman On Planet...
... so will the new and improved website be up soon??
For all people that have some trouble with the time in game in relation to their own time I have found (and been using) a nice tool IF you are...
Seen on the forum of the other planet, that someone looted sweat while mining for enmatter on Next Island. Is this for real ??!!
First of all, I am not 100% sure this is real, but the images are pretty convincing and the story is to. Second, I don't know if this is only in...
Have been thinking about this and came up with this answer. The auction will end on January 3th and FPC is of course expecting to get a new...
Have been on the mailing list of Global Agenda for a while and today got this email: [IMG] and I was wondering why we don't have stuff like...
OK so for some reason I translated chapter 1.1 from English to Dutch today and send it to Cyrus so he might be able to use it. This of course is...
Just came across these very old Project Entropia movies [media] [media] This one kinda seem relevant again :D [media] Really LOL-ed...
As I told before I browse around the WWW to find new stuff about EU and the planets a lot and this time i came across some nice Artwork Alf...
==not really sure where to post this, so admin please move if you think this is the wrong spot== As MS9 posted a tweet on Twitter about the...