I read on somewhere that you need fertilizer
Sorry to hear that :(
Gratz! :D
Well im at TI atm, so if we gather up there TI middle tp
Where we meet?
Okay where we meet?
18 MA time as it was last time this was organized?
Lets try it tonight :D
Bot! Stop flirting with Trin! Bots+Humans=NoGood
Im in :)
When is anna coming back?
Oh, thats bad :F Anyone else want to organize one? :D
Anyone know if this is being organized again?
:D (Whew, at last i can do some EU'ing safely(Like i would believe that, you are propably waitin me somewhere))
I will come when you are not waiting....
I could come if you do one next saturday. Dunno about the peds though.... At least i can come open boxes
Gratz Cee!
Nurse, i have a wound! :Beaten: :Nurse:
Good point. Maybe new rules should mention this
Cant come online, got exam tomorrow :( Our duel shall wait bit longer...