[IMG] Any information about this creature that comes available can be posted here
[IMG] any info that comes available about this can be posted here
Looks like this is all very new (lol, I'm the first real member here) but I wanna point everyone to a pretty nice wiki page about next Island:...
Didn't know about this forum, so maybe non of you did: NextIsland Life - The Front Page [edit] think the forum is pretty new, I seem to be...
Don't have any screens, but I just remembered I saw this drop yesterday. So if you happen to loot one of those, will you be using the voice chat?
OK this has been put into the wiki by Tass and I saw the discovery in game. After seeing the pics in the wiki (link) [IMG] I right away say...
OK just needed to post this [media]
it's fun to do these kind of threads so I thought I;d start one for bikes as well. I hear a lot of people out there talk about and hope for bikes,...
So, I made a thread about better looking boats, so I thought I'd give FPC a hand and find some inspiration for them for the new VTOL we might get...
So, we now have boats (and yes I have one to). To be honest they are much less fun then the cars so far and like the cars (or the hummer at least)...
I know some of you would like to help out with the wiki, but don't have the skills to do so, or are afraid they mess up some stuff (even though...
Today FPC posted a video on their Facebook page. It looks like a sneak preview of the new Port Atlantis [media]
I have been talking a bit about this with Stave on Skype and this is my view on the upcoming SEE planets. They told us they will be making...
So much interesting stuff to be found on the web. Just found a company that holds some shares of MindArk (was again searching fro the new owner...
As some of you might know I like to do research on the web about anything. So I was trying to find out who bought shares in Planet Calypso. Haven...
I have been looking through the list of missing pages in the wiki and have been solving a lot of those pages with redirects. There is 1 item in...
Well PCF seems to be working a bit and some people are there already. They do have some problems still I guess with the way it looks and the lay...
Well to complete the thread on EF "Your final posts in Entropia Forum!" and because I assume some people will come to EP, I thought I'd make a...
Some news about SEE Virtual Worlds. It looks like they are planning a Michael Jackson planet: SEE Virtual Worlds: Home...