[ATTACH] Would be terrible to have used my years quota on the first day!
[ATTACH] This was a particularly dire hunt to begin with, there were more no loots than I can ever recall having, fortunately this one came along...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Globals have been scarce this week, decent loot has been hard to come by too! Just looking at the HoF board showed most...
Further information about the drone AI. Having now combated many of the "upgraded" drones I have noticed that if you close to within melee range...
[ATTACH] This is my first during Merry Mayhem, it could well be my last as the return was quite poor. Seconds after this shot was taken I was...
Thank you both and a Happy Christmas everyone.
No idea but I will have to try the browser just to see if it's flies! :)
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I was very pleasantly surprised by this :).
The expected update happened, not quite as quickly as expected though I have not been on line for a couple of days. With it came:- 1) Christmas...
Source = Merry Mayhem Event Update Mayhem Spawns The following temporary...
Source = Santasâ?? ROCKINâ?? â??lil Elves! Crafting Event! To...
L21 I think but they hit fairly hard. Suggest you go and try one :).
[ATTACH] I decided I needed to return to my blades for a while. Drones are dull and currently the return is poor so I decided to explore one of...
Source = WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER â?? ROCKtropiaâ??s...
Installed the latest update last night before going after the drones at Jason. I think the latest update has fried what little AI the drones had...
Source = Merry Mayhem 2011 2011-12-07 Itâ??s time once again for Planet...
Source = December 7th Content Release Bye Bye Bugs! The December 7th...
Thanks Phunksta, now I am going to have a slightly modified version of "Boogie Nights" running through my head whenever I go droning :).
[ATTACH] Find myself wondering if the loot from these has been changed deliberately or if it's an error waiting to be corrected!