Youve gotto see this: [media]
If FPC gameplay strips you of Peds and you cant depo anything just yet, I highly recommend you play Mass Effect 2. Its just amazing. The quality...
[ATTACH]What can I say? MINING does me good. [ATTACH]
What can I Say!!! A HOF is a HOF. [ATTACH] this was from a bit ago. [ATTACH]
I realy dont wanna rock the boat and make waves. But this is what we get to see. First Joe Jeff buys a dome or two from ND. Then he hits a 11K USD...
:D Why I wear wings in-game is quite easy and i am gratefull for FPC for giving those to us galls. The boyz wont get it tho. you see, I have big...
To my virtual sugah-daddy and bennefactor Shinobi. Congratz today on your 40th B-day:)
Big or Small. the sound of a HOF is what i like. Now only if MA would see fit to give me a ATH. :tiphat: Both in 1 day and few globies too,...
YES i got it last week.. took me a while to post but Does anyone need OIL :rofl:
I seriously do feel ripped off. I depod like 1,4 K in peds, 2 days ago. Now I am all out and broke in record time. Also mined and crafted...
outside certain LA miners are being PKed for fun. Just dont mine outse LA of Neas Place cos "Virus" is camping there killing miners. I am sure...
What a Day i must say!!!! check it out with two of us from Temporal Destinies we are at #1 and #4. Woot. I'm Getting there .. Now to work for...
Seems MA is smiling on me.
Wow Crude OIL HOF - so when are the pilots coming back. I think they would need all that I have collected for a round trip to CP and Back :D oh...
I figure I better do what my Mom does, so that I don't need to post all of my global and HOF in to many threads. She had a sound mind to just make...
Wow, after a few weeks back in game and thought i do some mining.. I did get several mining globals you can see this on Tracker.. but wow.. I...