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Yes, he posted the same on Twitter today. Very sad to read. I guess Next Island is...
Many things on NI are backwards, like putting so much into marketing and so little into development. The new releases with hypersense, missions...
I keep hearing "new direction" but all I see is a personal blog post and speculation. Where is this new direction?
With the changes, it's probably safe to say we won't be seeing this mission.
I guess you haven't heard that Meg no longer works at Next Island? Which explains the malware...
It took me multiple tries as well before it started.
Agreed. Which is why I believe Mindark is not helping Next Island.
Well written, well thought out, thank you SylverDragon.
"These Elysian Tech Chips, in varying quantities, will be used in blueprints for Elysian tools (in progress). This will prompt new players to sell...
Are we still on target for tomorrow?
With all the forum users who pride themselves on internet stalking, I'm surprised no one has pointed out that this project is really Meg and one...
I don't think he knows anything about games or is a very good judge of employees. I think it says something about the planet, that David Post has...
This whole story sounds to me like Mindark dropped the ball and Next Island for whatever reason can't or won't say it.
This blog is a disaster. Tell me it's a joke?
I think they admit there is work to be done, no question. But between the lines, they imply the original development was bad and (I hope) that new...
If you read very closely, there are two acknowledgements on the blog that the NI staff is not happy with the state of the game either. We’ve had...
I can't log in this morning, but I think it's my machine not Entropia. Running repair now.
well good, didn't really like the old site