Warning... contains disturbing scenes... [MEDIA] [IMG]
Might be you guys could be friends Mr @McCormick ;) but why are there robots in space? [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
For those who are interested (note this is in English) AnnualReportMindark2020.pdf
Hello, Thought I'd post this as I've never seen one before. Just got played a video advert for entropia on youtube. I'm afraid I couldn't work...
Nebula Virus suggesting mindark to stop and wake up from winter sleep. Its nearly summer and time to start planing to bring that game to steam ....
EntropiaPlanets is pleased to share with you a message from the Planet Toulan team. Mr. Hujeij, the floor is yours! Hello Entropians, My name...
[IMG] EntropiaConnect is a social networking site for Entropia Universe players.The website is built by EU fans and wants to connect all the...
Two new images were posted to Twitter by the Monria team. Both show swimming pools that apparently will be available in the apartments: Here's...
If you have been on EntropiaPlanets before, you might know Kris, who is responsible for most of the content being churned out on Planet Cyrene. In...
For sale is one Dynera Laser Sight. In the real world, this ensures you will be able to pin-point your target with laser-sharp accuracy (see what...
For sale are 654.2 PEDs worth of Oiled Miluca Boards; an old Arkadia favorite for crafters. Make me an offer :)
I have two chips with MMS on them. 1 chip has a TT value of 11.56 1 chip has a TT value of 10.77 If you're interested in additional Marksmanship...
I have 10 Teleportation Chip I's for sale. The majority of these were painstakingly looted from Argonauts, with severe risk to my own personal...
Today, it's over 1,500 (1,507 to be exact) days ago since any Entropian who invested time and money in taming was able to put their hard-earned...
We reported a while ago that Next Island seems to be dead in the water, after the entire development team was let go. Since then, no new updates...
Entropia Universe is the most lucrative game you've never heard of. by Karol Sultanescu on 19th Jul, 2013 [IMG] Entropia Universe is a beast of a...
Entropia Universe's real money transaction system allows players to buy anything with actual, real-world cash - up to and including the game's...
In Entropia Universe, a group of players has successfully bought a new moon in the game and made claim for themselves. The purchase price was $...
Entropia Universe players drop the moon (to $ 150 000) Since 2003, the world of Entropia Universe is for sale and occasionally attracts...