Space ship #28 lol Desperate times call for desperate measures LOL :D
MA must have known I was low on ammo so they put the space ship under water. The drones were off busy drowning. Hehehe I also stole some Iron...
Ohhh I almost forgot to post my space ship. LOL This was from yesterday. It was very unique for it popped up very close to a tp. I had to run like...
I seem to go quite awhile with no space ships then I get a few in a row. This is the second this week. AND the second ever with bomb instead of a...
Went hunting with Mad Nutter Women and after hunting a load of Argos and Nutter being left without ammo and me without a blade, we managed to get...
Sundays are OK too LOL. Thanks for looking and for all the gratz's you have given. :D
I got another space ship today. After killing the drones an Armax tried to stop me from claiming it. After dispatching him all I had to do was...
The mining run tonight was a small diaster LOL. MA felt so sorry for me they gave me another space ship with a nice 25pd beacon. Thanks MA. :D :D :D
I knew it was going to be a good day when I got this space ship. It was really close to Twin Peaks. Luckily there was no one around but me and the...
Yesterday I got Space Ship 39. Only one drone with this one. They must be on strike LOL Dumb Ditz that I am I forgot to post the picture LOL :Spam:
I went mining for a bit today. Got this nice robot flying machine. I tried to lug it back to my apartment as a trophy but it blew up :-(
Hi all, Note when you post a global now that there is a Thread Prefix available to set what kind of global you have hit
Started to hunt the big Armax last night, but they were only carrying yellow lines, so I went to Reis for the little Atrox which cheered me up:yeah:
On Saturday me and Addy once again visited the Scips, and they are still cooperative :D [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Found a nice spaceship today , curious it was in a heavy lagging area so some irritations about pressing the button affected me :rolleyes: Also...
Tonight I teamed up with Nutter to have a go at the Ithaca Troxes. Globalmania :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Another run at Limnadian today which resulted in two more globals and Jaguar Shin Guards! Unfortunately, it was only the (L) version, but still a...
This evening I participated in Rei's Formidon Friday event (highest single loot wins) for the third time. Great fun as always, and I was very very...
Yesterday me and Nutter met up at Nea's to shoot some Ambus, after a quite bad start we got two in 10 minutes: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And a little...
Back to a Itumatrox period for me which in the last two days have resulted in these 5 globals: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The...