I headed out to the east of PVP 3 to explore an area I don't think I've looked at before... A nice rarity for me to pop a global but 2nd mob...
It was a very cold, stormy day here today, with a lot of heavy rain, so Bunny and I hid indoors and for a treat went to Crystal Palace for some...
I guess MA got tired of me complaining about all the abundant globals so they gave me a great. I thought that was pretty nice of them :D Then...
Thanks Cantbe for the info that neconu young are in this land area. I went there tonight expecting the neconu to have me for dinner as usual, but...
Got my 50th solo Global last night :yahoo: from a Argo adult same mob as i got my first solo global back in January :D :handgun:2 HoFs, 50...
Went to CND for a few hours hoping they had restocked the loot pool but they had now. :-( But I did manage to squeeze out 2 abundances. :D
Went to get some Neconu hair with Tigeress but they just ate everything we threw at them including us :( never known fish so greedy :o. So we went...
After I long time I received a global again :) Atrox Provider gave me 77PED. Pherhaps there is one more to come ... [ATTACH]
I had always avoided Oculus, as they do a lot of electric damage. Last night I finally tried hunting them, and the first one gave me a fap35 and...
Do to a social engagement yesterday I did not get to play long so I had to make up for it today lol. I got at least one in every catagory. There...
Usually an encounter with a SE for me involves many deaths, revives and TP jumps back to try and kill one of them. Today I finally managed to hunt...
Friday night was a good one for me. 3 globals, one is already posted. After the first I managed to get two more on Atrox. One with 54PED the other...
One for me :) 58 PED Simple Plastic Springs , very surprising but very welcome ;)
Just one today, unless I get lucky in the next hour lol Well what can I say I got lucky LOL so I am adding these to this thread :D
Here globals #125 - #129
:D Skilling that svempa on some ambuli's and an Old killed me off. Went back and he emptied his wallet to the tune of 108 PED :Sniper:
Hello again. I was just south of the toxic zone this morning and I met this nice Armax old bull. He took a liking to me and gave me some nice...
MA sure seems to be glad I'm back :-) I actually made profit with this hunt today!
Out with Tigeress as usual and we had a very nice days hunt. Started with Atrox and a nice Dominant parted with 55 ped headed west and a Atrax...
Well I did not want to leave it hanging at 299 but I got too sleepy to keep going lol Tomorrow will have to be the day IF I get any tomorrow...