I'm getting ready to leave Next Island for a bit (hopefully not for long although my plans are little sketchy at the moment). Before I go, I have...
Decided to walk around the beach at Surfer's Paradise tonight and found it populated with Exarosaur. Maturities seen - Prowler, Stalker, Alpha,...
[IMG]First-Waver Sorensen, better known as Arthur, the Official Island Greeter, first discovered this rock one evening when he lay down to rest....
Mindark’s next date for planet partners to publish content will be August 28th, so that’s when Next Island will release our next content! This...
[IMG]I’m showing off the new HyperSense Spectacles, a new, craftable piece of armor, released as part of our May 29th content. Congrats to...
I was the first Next Islander to discover HyperSense Spectacles :) Despite the name, this is an armor part (it is considered as a helmet)....
Here’s our new gameplay trailer! You may see some familiar faces in Greece — thanks again for your help! Continue reading...
Is it introduced yet? I've seen an order for the components but can't find the BP anywhere.
In our upcoming release, an Elysian resident will ask you an important question. If you don't have the answer, what will you say? Here are some...
[IMG] After August’s release of new content, there will be a small issue with Crystal Bay resident Sara Murray. Some players who’ve already...
selling more than 10 philosopher sword, TT+140 for one, if you buy more than 5 sword, price will TT+120 for every sword
Hey Folks!! Those of you who used or the Tracker Client in the past have probably noticed we've been transitioning into the...
I'm seeing a lot of folks hunting grey papoo in world, and a lot of successful completions of the mission on Twitter, so I guess you've met Ol'...
Hello I want to buy 2 Hero's swords. I will take the best price I can get so all offers are welcome! :) Just PM me with the best price you can...
Hello all! I've some K of sweat to sell, is anybody interesting?
I came to NI to take a look at the new papoo mission to find no one here. After completing the mission of course found it to need a Crystal I...
... for these people who still can't get the updater working: Next Island It is a 312MB zip file, unzip the contents into EU dynamic content...
I was quite surprised to be the first Next Islander to discover Fine Lens, as the blueprint had already been discovered several hours before. This...
Hey! I'm on Next Island, waitubg to get back in-game. I set NI to top priority, of course, but everytime it finishes dowloading NI content, the...
Next Island Content Release May 29, 2012 Today’s content release offer a new missions, and introduces new blueprints, including the Hoplite...