[imgalignleft]http://www.entropiaplanets.com/w/images/thumb/2/2c/Actions_page_00-01.jpg/180px-Actions_page_00-01.jpg[/imgalignleft] In this tutorial we will take a closer look at the action library and the various options you have at your disposal within the Entropia Universe. The action library is divided into several sections of information, and we will go through the options on a per-section basis. All the information in this tutorial is available in the universe as well, but it might be useful in case you cannot seem to find a specific action you are looking for. Interaction [imgalignright]http://www.entropiaplanets.com/w/images/thumb/a/ae/Actions_page_02-03.jpg/180px-Actions_page_02-03.jpg[/imgalignright] Cancel Retail Price - This item is no longer for sale. Edit - Manage the content displayed on your item. Item Info - View detailed information about an item. Loot - Loots the remains of selected creature. Market Value - View Market value history of selected item. Operate - Operate the selected object. Pick Up - Pick Up selected item. Purchase Item - Purchase an item in a shop. Real World Item Info - View the Real World (RW) Item represented by this virtual item. Set retail price - See the retail price for an item. Show Status Bar - Opens a status bar for easier interaction with the target. Unequip All - Unequip all garments on personal avatar. Control [imgalignright]http://www.entropiaplanets.com/w/images/thumb/1/15/Actions_page_04-05.jpg/180px-Actions_page_04-05.jpg[/imgalignright] Auto Move - Run or walk in faced direction. Camera down - Moves camera position down. Camera mode - Toggles between first/third person camera mode. Camera up - Moves camera position up. Deselect - Clear currently selected target. Jump - Jump in the air. Look Down - Look down. Look Up - Look up. Move Backwards - Move backwards. Move Forwards - Move forwards. Ready tool - Hold item ready for use. Relax - Hold item by your side. [imgalignright]http://www.entropiaplanets.com/w/images/thumb/b/b6/Actions_page_06-07.jpg/180px-Actions_page_06-07.jpg[/imgalignright] Rotate Camera - Press and hold to rotate camera. Click to reset rotation. Rotate Left - Turn to the left. Rotate Right - Turn to the right. Select self - Select/Unselect yourself. Select target - Select aim target in aim mode or cursor in cursor mode. Stand / Stop - Stand up from sitting or lying position or stop moving when moving. Strafe left - Move to the left. Strafe right - Move to the right. Toggle Auto-Use Tool - Start/Stop automatic repetition of the Use Tool action. Toggle Camera Direction - Change the direction of the third person camera. Toggle Run/Walk - Change between walking and running. Unequip tool - Unequip currently held item. 3 [imgalignright]http://www.entropiaplanets.com/w/images/thumb/2/2b/Actions_page_08-09.jpg/180px-Actions_page_08-09.jpg[/imgalignright] Use Tool - Use currently held item.
04. The action library Emotes - This category contains all the different stances, emotions and dances your avatar can perform. To save some space in this guide, we will not go through these in more detail. Feel free to give them a go to see what they do, though, or check the wiki page here for a complete list. Avatar [imgalignright]http://www.entropiaplanets.com/w/images/thumb/4/41/Actions_page_30-31.jpg/180px-Actions_page_30-31.jpg[/imgalignright] Add As Friend - Add target avatar to Friends List. Follow - Follow selected avatar's movement. Private Chat - Request a private chat with selected avatar. Private Trade - Request trad with selected avatar. Remove - Remove friend from list. Rename - Edit custom name. Send Message - Send a message to a friend. Society Invite - Invite selected avatar to join your society. Team Invite - Invite selected avatar to join your team. Team Kick - Dismiss a team member.
04. The action library Emotes - This category contains all the different stances, emotions and dances your avatar can perform. We will not go through these in more detail. Feel free to give them a go to see what they do, though. Avatar Add as disciple - Adds the selected Entropia Universe participant as your disciple for mentoring and introducing them to the universe. You will need at least 100 in a specific skill before you can do this. Add as a friend - Adds the selected avatar to your friends list. Follow - Your avatar will follow the selected avatar. A very useful feature if you are grouping with other avatars. Private chat - Allows you to have a private (non-public) chat with the selected avatar. Private trade - Allows you to privately trade with the slected avatar. A word of warning: all trades you make are final, and MindArk will not offer you any compensation for lost or stolen items. Ensure you know the value of the items traded, and be aware that other participants might not be as honest as you hope. Remove - Removes the selected name from your friends list. Rename - Allows you to rename a person on your friends list. This can be useful to add a little reminder of why they are on your friends list. A common practise for this is to prefix pilots with PILOT, for when you are looking to travel to other planets (or asteroids). Send message - Sends a private message to the selected person on your friends list. Society invite - Invites the selected avatar to join your society. Team invite - Invites the selected avatar to join your team (you will have to create a team first). Team kick - Removes the selected avatar from your team.
04. The action library admin, change your post with the wiki I did on this. The wiki is VU10.2 so updated to this week.