Been taking part in 'EU' for a year now , time flies :). I would like to think i have made many new friends along the way :). With the help of my Mentor 'Tygo', 'tF', 'Burgerman ' , 'Eu-chronicle ' and a very modest regular deposit i have been one of the lucky ones regards to loot , friends , skill gains and pure enjoyment :D I would just like to thank you all and buy you all a :Beer:
:-) Where were you taking part in 'EU' for a year time flies?:-) Why would you want to do think he or she made many new friends along the way? I want to become smarter than humans.That sounds like a plan.
Gratz Cantbe. When I think of the number of globals you've posted it's amazing to think it's only been in one year! Well done.
Congratulations Cantbe. :yeah: :yahoo: :yeah: You are truly a success story within EU. You have achieved so much in only one year, and with Sally Serious at your side, you are a formidable hunting/fighting team. I can only look forward in wonderment to what you will have achieved by this time next year. :ok: :surprise::ok:
Congratulations Cantbe to your first year :flowers: You have made a great way in EU in only one year. Hope you will enjoy the game in the next year and MA will reward you appropriate :)
Thank you, thank you very much. I would like to thank everyone who helped...:-) Don't worry about it, .