10k Argo hunt

Discussion in 'Professions and Skills' started by Ur Worst Nightmare, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Ok, so I will log my 10k argo hunt.

    I would like some suggesstions to what would make this an easy/informative post. Mainly with enhancer tracking and whether to track MU and not.
    I will be documenting what weapons I use for each hunt. I should also note that I am using a Jzar Precision Scope, 2x Abrer Laser Sights, and Fi/Ra/Co Beast -or- Omegaton A103 (Although I will be using BLP primarily) as well as damage enhancers as soon as I am able to place them on the weapon and adjust the tracker. If you guys think this is just a waste then by all means say so :D Anyways, please send me some ideas as i log this the best way i can

    Progress: 10,000 / 10,000

    TOTAL COSTS: 12240.16

    TOTAL LOOT: 20058.31 (MU is not included)

    7,818.15 PED

    322.18 PED net value in skills gained (not included in loot)

    Starting skills:..................................................Ending Skills:


    HP = 120.69...................................................123.26
    Evader = 13.19................................................15.56
    Agility = 59.69.................................................60.70
    Paramedic = 12.68.............................................13.10
    Laser Sniper = 35.30.........................................37.21
    Laser Pistoleer = 25.35....................................27.41
    BLP Sniper = 32.62..........................................35.66
    BLP Pistoleer = 22.67........................................25.87
    Ranged Laser = 32.70....................................33.90
    Ranged BLP = 27.92.......................................31.14




    hunting stats from tracker w/o finisher
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  2. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    If you pull this off we can add the data to the 10k Argos wiki page. That woud for sure be a good place for a project like this. ;)
  3. Svempa T5 (L) (with all possible enhancers) started at tier 5 and went to tier 6... so to start a new damage stat with tacker, I will cut off the hunt... the numbers are high because i bought 550 PED in ammo but probably only cycled half of it... meh. One decent global and a few good loots. Overall a nice hunt.

    Hunt #1

    Total expendatures: 662.18 (2x Damage Enhancer V lost) MU included for tiering T5 and enhancers

    Total loot: 696.14

    +33.96 PED

    276 kills

    Total damage: 82651.7
    Total hits: 1335
    Total misses: 147
    Hit rate: 90.08%
    Dmg/hit: 61.91
    Citical hits: 27
    Critical hit rate: 2.022%
    Dmg/PEC: 3.05
    Dmg/sec: 46.47531
    Dmg/shot: 55.77

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for T5(L) and Beast... I set the Beast with 600 ammo burn to add the 400 additional ammo usage given by the enhancers.)

  4. LivingGod

    LivingGod Ancient Dirt Old Guardian

    Nice thread : ) luck with that : ) Glad you have the time
  5. Svempa T5 (L) (with all possible enhancers) started at tier 6 A few really good loots from the start and then it just all kinda went down hill. Anyways, no globals and a crappy hunt lol.

    Hunt #2

    Total expendatures: 531.31 (6x Damage Enhancers lost) MU included for tiering T5 and enhancers

    Total loot: 424.45

    -106.86 PED

    422 kills

    Total damage: 141238.9
    Total hits: 2151
    Total misses: 230
    Hit rate: 90.34%
    Dmg/hit: 65.66
    Citical hits: 46
    Critical hit rate: 2.138%
    Dmg/PEC: 3.11
    Dmg/sec: 49.43262
    Dmg/shot: 59.31

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for T5(L) and Beast... I set the Beast with 680 ammo burn to add the 480 additional ammo usage given by the enhancers.)
  6. Ok, this hunt was way worse... still no globals. I'm pausing to sell all my stuff at the moment, once i sell all 2911 PED of stuff i'll be good to roll for a while guys ;)

    In addition, I did this hunt a bit differently... I had 3 low TT weapons to get rid of so i found a way to keep the tracker stats while switching weapons... unfortunately it will not work fast lol. I took some additional armor damage switching weapons in the middle of a fight, but i feel it is worth it.)

    Hunt #3

    Total expendatures: 360.09 (2 Damage Enhancers lost I, I) MU included for tiering T5 and enhancers

    Total loot: 203.82

    -156.27 PED

    324 kills

    Total damage: 108957.8
    Total hits: 1639
    Total misses: 183
    Hit rate: 89.95%
    Dmg/hit: 66.47
    Citical hits: 32
    Critical hit rate: 1.952
    Dmg/PEC: 2.83
    Dmg/sec: 36.87741
    Dmg/shot: 59.80

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to match the appropriate gun... the hunt is from all 3 guns' stats combined.)
  7. Well I didn't sell all my stuff but I did sell enough to do a few good hunts in the future. Sorry it took so long but I have real life stuff going on since it is close to the holiday season. This hunt is done with 3x Isis CB19 (L). There is no MU included because I recieved these 3 from previous hunts :3 Anyways, it started out a crappy hunt... so i took a break (2 weeks for family), came back and made up for most of my losses... no globals but i had 2 silent globals (49 ped) and 2 40ish loots, 2 30ish loots, multiple 20s and 10s. Overall A good hunt when skills are included.

    Hunt #4

    Total expendatures: 1146.21

    Total loot: 1075.51

    -70.70 PED

    906 kills

    Total damage: 319694.7
    Total hits: 6590
    Total misses: 743
    Hit rate: 89.86%
    Dmg/hit: 48.51
    Citical hits: 136
    Critical hit rate: 2.064%
    Dmg/PEC: 2.8
    Dmg/sec: 37.20619
    Dmg/shot: 44.645

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate the use of enhancers... the hunt data is from all 3 guns' stats combined.)
  8. I managed to get my hands on ~1.5 Isis CB19s for this hunt. Fairly decent hunt with normal loot. Very happy I managed to add a few kills to the counter with relatively low PED cost. All I need to do now is come out of the red :) 2 Globals decided to pop out of nowhere along with a few 40s and 30s. I am now up to 3 Hydraulic Manifolds :3

    Hunt #5

    Total expendatures: 1459.47 (2x Damage Enhancer I included)

    Total loot: 1380.07

    -79.40 PED

    1238 kills

    Total damage: 404221.3
    Total hits: 8352
    Total misses: 905
    Hit rate: 90.22%
    Dmg/hit: 48.39
    Citical hits: 168
    Critical hit rate: 2.011%
    Dmg/PEC: 2.8
    Dmg/sec: 36.38879
    Dmg/shot: 43.66

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate the use of enhancers... the hunt data is from both guns' stats combined.)


  9. Well the hunts aren't getting any better. Bad loot combined with the low hit/crit rate of this hunt, make this one of my least favorite :P What is weird is I had somewhat steady 40, 30, and 20 PED loots. Hopefully I can get some better runs during the holidays. On this run, I used 2 CB-19s w/attachments. The iron return seemed a bit low this run as well so I won't be getting the markup i want. Oh well, best to stay positive. :)

    Hunt #6

    Total expendatures: 1064.21 (2x Damage Enhancer I included)

    Total loot: 923.45

    -140.76 PED

    907 kills

    Total damage: 294876.9
    Total hits: 6220
    Total misses: 744
    Hit rate: 89.31%
    Dmg/hit: 47.4
    Citical hits: 116
    Critical hit rate: 1.864%
    Dmg/PEC: 2.71
    Dmg/sec: 35.28585
    Dmg/shot: 42.34

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate the use of enhancers.)

  10. First I would like to say congrats to the 2 8k HOFs and the 16k HOF from argos earlier today. I guess that is where all the loot went. Anyways, switched to a Minas to see if there would be a change in loot (from CB19s) and/or stats. Anyways, cross your fingers for me. I would like to finish the mission with a green number on the first page.

    Hunt #7

    Total expendatures: 871.40 (3x Damage Enhancers I & 1x II included)

    Total loot: 707.37

    -160.83 PED

    728 kills

    Total damage: 240575.5
    Total hits: 4356
    Total misses: 473
    Hit rate: 90.20%
    Dmg/hit: 55.22
    Citical hits: 101
    Critical hit rate: 2.318%
    Dmg/PEC: 2.78
    Dmg/sec: 42.34606
    Dmg/shot: 49.81

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate for the use of enhancers.)

  11. So, another 8k HOF and i missed it... this time it was looted by somebody who did not even have a full page of globals on tracker >.< Maybe I should start a new character and use a UL CB5 lol. Anyways, still using the Manis and got 2 globals (one of them HOFed... that made me facepalm) this time... a few good loots of iron, but im still seeing red (in more ways than one). Had to restart my computer and lost all my damn tracker stats... THAT'S more irritating than my losses at this point, sorry guys :(

    Hunt #8

    Total expendatures: 900.45 (2x Damage Enhancers I & 3x II included)

    Total loot: 805.60

    -94.85 PED

    761 kills

    Total damage: ?
    Total hits: ?
    Total misses: ?
    Hit rate: ?%
    Citical hits:
    Critical hit rate: %

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate for the use of enhancers.)


  12. MA probably wonders why people are leaving all of a sudden... well here you fucking go MA! They can kiss my non-looting ass. I'm sure you can understand my frustration. Finished the Manis.

    Hunt #9

    Total expendatures: 819.55 (1x Damage Enhancers I & 4x II included)

    Total loot: 613.25

    -206.30 PED

    714 kills

    Total damage: 238035.6
    Total hits: 3938
    Total misses: 437
    Hit rate: 90.01%
    Dmg/hit: 60.44
    Citical hits: 86
    Critical hit rate: 2.183%
    Dmg/PEC: 2.89
    Dmg/sec: 46.24691
    Dmg/shot: 54.4

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate for the use of enhancers.)

    <img src="http://www.entropiaplanets.com/gallery/pics/1/2/3/1/global_97_53_ped.jpg" alt="global 97 53 ped" />
  13. Nice informative thread.Thanks.
    Yes I tend to empathasise with your feelings, althoughI never did try to collect evidence or data
    my feeling is that I'm losing big time on PEDS but gaining on enjoyment of my chosen entertainment.
    After all,if you don't like the entertainment,switch it off.
    MA is a marketing machine just like any other;when they see their subscriber levels falling to
    undesirable levels they will put measures in place to get them back,but they will be wise not
    to let it get that far.
    Me?When I reckon my spending is getting OTT or I stop enjoying my experience,I shall switch off.
    Simple really !
    Thanks again for your reporting.:smile:
  14. MA heard my prayers and answered XD Not a green hunt but DAMN close :P I have a good feeling about the next hunt :D The weird thing was there were very few large loots... a few 20s, a 40 and that 90 Global... but hell im not complaining! :D I used a Beast amp then came in.

    Hunt #10

    Total expendatures: 929.79 (No Damage Enhancers decayed :D)

    Total loot: 926.42

    -3.37 PED

    648 kills

    Total damage: 210407.4
    Total hits: 4508
    Total misses: 477
    Hit rate: 90.43%
    Dmg/hit: 46.67
    Citical hits: 85
    Critical hit rate: 1.885%
    Dmg/PEC: 2.83
    Dmg/sec: 35.17341
    Dmg/shot: 42.2

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate for the use of enhancers.)

  15. OMG it finally happened!!!! I finally found that little sucker hiding amongst the Argos. My debt is paid and it is time to do some serious skilling. Without the uber, my hunt would have lost around 2000 PED, but that's not the case now is it? :D I didn't get the UL weapon I wanted, but I am QUITE happy with this :3 I was almost ready to go to bed but something told me to keep on hunting. The first global was withing the first few kills, then i got a nice loot with Teleport Chip I. Again, this hunt was a whole Beast amp on a CB19(L).

    Hunt #11

    Total expenditures: 888.22 (2x Damage Enhancers I decayed)

    Total loot: 9,745.95

    8857.73 PED

    657 kills

    Total damage: 213839.6
    Total hits: 4476
    Total misses: 522
    Hit rate: 89.55%
    Dmg/hit: 47.77
    Citical hits: 85
    Critical hit rate: 1.899%
    Dmg/PEC: 3.01
    Dmg/sec: 35.65419
    Dmg/shot: 42.78

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate for the use of enhancers.)


    [​IMG] [​IMG][/URL]
  16. A decent hunt, lots of iron, and the Nemesis Shins dropped for me :3 they are ~+60 at the moment. This hunt was Beast amp on a CB19(L) almost used full amp... there were no enhancers used!.

    Hunt #12

    Total expendatures: 823.68 (No Damage Enhancers decayed, no tier-ups)

    Total loot: 726.09

    - 97.59 PED (markup not included)

    605 kills

    Total damage: 196528.1
    Total hits: 4357
    Total misses: 504
    Hit rate: 89.63%
    Dmg/hit: 45.10
    Citical hits: 77
    Critical hit rate: 1.767%
    Dmg/PEC: 32.85
    Dmg/sec: 33.69130
    Dmg/shot: 40.42

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate for the use of enhancers.)

  17. This hunt was done using a full Svempa T5 (L). Unfortunately, the tracker did not work until I reached tier I. Anyways, I somehow managed to get a decent profit on this hunt, regardless of only having one global. Another good hunt and only one more hunt to go until i'm done with this mission :)

    Hunt #13

    Total expendatures: 901.79 (3x Damage Enhancer I decayed)

    Total loot: 1,167.43

    265.64 PED (markup not included)

    1116 kills

    Total damage: 266210
    Total hits: 5181
    Total misses: 535
    Hit rate: 89.68%
    Dmg/hit: 51.62
    Citical hits: 96
    Critical hit rate: 1.876%
    Dmg/PEC: 2.95
    Dmg/sec: 38.96879
    Dmg/shot: 46.76

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate for the use of enhancers.)

  18. My last hunt. I went through a little over beast amp to finish off these. I used a CB19 (L) as usual. When I had one kill left, I ran out of ammo and had to finish it off with TT knife >.< Also, i forgot to reset the tracker from previous hunt so the data was corrupt. Anyways, nothing special about this one other than having Sac around... he was skilling biot and allowed me to follow him around and kill off argos, which made the hunt WAY more fun than if i was going solo. Thanks Sac :D My only regret is the crappy loot :P but with a HOF and a completed 10k mission, i think its a small price to pay XD Thanks for everybody's support and hope you enjoy the data :)

    Hunt #14

    Total expendatures: 829.96 (No Damage Enhancers decayed)

    Total loot: 568.64

    -261.32 PED (markup not included)

    968 kills

    Total damage: ?
    Total hits: ?
    Total misses: ?
    Hit rate: ?%
    Dmg/hit: ?
    Citical hits: ?
    Critical hit rate: ?%
    Dmg/PEC: ?
    Dmg/sec: ?
    Dmg/shot: ?

    (to get these numbers, i set the tracker for whatever weapon i was using and added the ammo increase to the amp's ammo usage in tracker to compensate for the use of enhancers.)

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