Hmmm what is MA up to. Seems to be a lot of globals going around. Not just the little ones I get but some very large ones. Sudden change from last month. Making me start to worry LOL. But I like those swirlies so am not complaining for sure. :tumbleweed: Here is my global for today. These mobs just keep trying to steel my claim rods. Hmmmm he won't do that again LOL
Maybe MA is trying to bribe you to stay in the game since they forgot to give you the residue from the glove, lol! :D
Yeah! Let's all Gratz the hell out of each other LOL I left on the ability to gratz a reply - seems fairly harmless but I guess I'll find out. Also, Gratz now boosts rep. Dunno if that's a good idea or not but we'll find out soon ;)
Gratz Bunny , hope the global getting will last a long time :D Hmm, i get a database error when pressing the Gratz button