I cannot say i get nothing nowadays , but wondering always why in the end of the day i´m down Here they are : 144 Ped oil and 52 Ped Lyst just some meters away from akmuul isl. TP :D
:) Gratz Stratos :yahoo: Oil and lyst are always nice to find in larger amounts - all those nice skills when drilling/extracting. :D
Gratz Stratos Two good finds. You would make money on them only if they were the first two bombs or probes dropped and you sold the rest back to the tt machine LOL. But you are like me, you have to set them allllllll off just to see what else you can find. OR they are the last two of the run. Either way some of us miners will never get rich. But maybe............hehehe
You are obviously destined to go make some filters now :) perhaps another 'secret' global awaits you?
just wondering how long it took to dig the resources up, im assuming you have a better digger than the tt one i use :) i found 1600 oil today and it took about 10 mins to get it all up.. also when you get a global from mining does it show up straight away, ie you have claimed a resouece, size xx then the fanfare starts, or do you have to dig it up then when you get a certain amout it registers? oh and one last silly question, is it all in oil or lyst or is there items as well, say a gun or armour?
When you drop a bomb or probe and you hit a global or hof you hear the sound and get the message right then. It used to be when you were done drilling but that changed about a year ago. So we get the message faster but the drilling is still slow. If you pulled 1600 out in 10 minutes you were doing well LOL
Like Bunny says , you get immedately informed if you hit a global or hof. Its only the found resource in TT value , no item or other stuff , exept since last VU where you can get some extraordinary stuff when digging finished such as handsian? ore . (maybe this is the first stage before you can find other items while mining in some future VU´s)