I had a strange feeling to go hunt allophyls today when I got home from work. I am very pleased that I did. :D A non-global normal loot window early in the hunt contained this nice item, Salamander M foot guards. This is the best armour piece I have ever looted, and will be very useful when hunting bots in the next VU. Later a nice team HOF for Bunny and I, and then some solo globals after Bunny left to do some crafting. Despite all the swirlies, the total loot barely covered the ammo and repairs involved in achieving them, so no big profits here I am afraid. :( :Spam: :Spam: :Spam:
The loots do appear to change in a cycle, and also I think MA made the loots in the past week especially good to try and distract people from all the grumbles about the new VU. I am hunting as much as I can while loots are good for me, as I know when the cycle changes for me, then my loots will be very low and it becomes expensive finding peds to keep playing then. Hopefully when my loots are bad, that means that one of YOU guys is having a great loot period, so I look forward to seeing some awesome loot pictures posted by you all when your good loots appear. :D That sounds cool KABOOM, I am on MA time +8 hours so sometimes finding a suitable time to meet online is hard, but I will try and match your weapon type and am happy to go hunting. :ok: