Gratz Stratos!!! Seems you are getting into the footsteps of Bunny and Burger btw. How do you get al those buttons in the lower right of the screen.
The Buttons are configured in the usual way , you have to select the advanced menu ? option in the option menu , then when starting configuring the icons with (L) you select the (*) set , then you can drag all icons from action menu (X) to your desctop , they are aviable on all shortcut sets as long as they are placed during you are in the (*) set. hope i have written it in a understandable way :)
Actually, I am following in the footsteps of Stratos, as he was one of the people I looked to as an example and inspiration when I first arrived on Calypso. Stratos has been in a low loot cycle for a little while I think, and I really hope this gradivore is the start of a fantastic loot cycle now for Stratos. :yahoo: :D Gratz Stratos on the nice loot and footguards, and a great explanation about the keymap setup. :ok: 8)