Was out hunting Berys with Slarty west of Echidna when unfortunately his son started crying and he had to leave. I saw a malplaced Prancer Guardian right in the middle of the Berys, I said bye to Slarty and turned around for the Prancer. Typically, less than 5 seconds after Slarty logged out (see the screenshot as well); *trumpet*! Feel bad for you Slarty, just shout if you want some free Eye oil mate... ;) Apparently Una likes solo hunting more... :D
I've had a similar thing on a few occasions. As soon as I've left the team the loot has picked up. No idea why. The only theory I have is that everyone has a current value on how good their loots are (and thus the cycles people see as this goes up and down). When you're in a team this is averaged out, so if you have some people who are low in their cycle the team doesn't do so well... but if you're on a high as soon as you leave the team you start getting really good loots. I made that up on my own though, so it's probably complete and utter nonsese :tease:
Gratz Una. That prancer must have migrated down from Zeus LOL. Bunny makes note: If it is out of place kill it. :D
Hehe, your theory actually seems to apply very accurately on the situation yesterday :D As a matter of fact, I had very nice loot all day and right before we teamed up. Then it was not very good for us with the Berycleds (but not bad). And then, yeah, you know :) But, I remember Slarty saying he also had pretty good loot before, so... maybe it's all about luck anyway ;)
I've always had a pet theory that finding oddly placed mobs, either on their own in the middle of nowhere, or inside a spawn of a different mob group, are a good source of global goodness. I do try to pick off any strange seeming ones, and have had mixed success. Anyone else spot a pettern here?