Global 2008-01-11 - Bacon and Eggs Friday Hogglo Hunt

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Burgerman, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    I went back to pester the hogglos today, with great healing help from Miss Bunny.
    The hoggs gave us some nice goodies, including an Isis LR48(L) carbine, and some animal heart oil.


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  2. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Unfortunately Bunny had to leave for real life stuff ( cooking dinner ) so I went after a few more hoggs. I'm very pleased I did. :yahoo:

    The pale blue thing in the first pic is Turquoise face paint, another new item this VU.

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  3. cool, big gratz! on that
    What is the armor you are wearing? I remember the look, but not the name...
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  4. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Nemesis armour, with 5b plates. Those plates add a heap of protection to whatever armour you use. :D
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  5. WOW , mega Gratz Burgerman :)

    very cool to see that you can get the Hoggs alone without problems it seems ,
    i remember the time we did a teamhunt with at least 3 members and died often :rolleyes:
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  6. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Yes Stratos, Bunny and I were discussing and reminiscing earlier today about the hogg hunt we all went on, with you Itto and others back then, and how much harder the hoggs were for us then. Good times, Good times. :D

    I can manage the young ones fairly well now, the matures tend to be tough still.
    When they get in a mood for critical hits, they can be mean, and even a young can mean multiple TP jumps - crit hit - revive - TP jump - crit hit. hehe

    The constant biting they inflict is a problem, as there is minimal time to fap, and faps like the 2600 just cannot provide enough heal fast enough. I really recommend working to gain the skills to be able to use some of the L faps well. The 125(L) fap can be very helpful, as in one use it heals almost double the 2600, so only need to heal once then get back to shooting.

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  7. Gratz!

    Ok, so Nemesis + 5b and a Ek-2600 for Hoggs. I guess you have your ML-35 amped? Beast?

    Just trying to get an idea of future gear for me... :) I like to dream and plan like this and have a goal to aim for ;) Your posts are very helpful in this Burger!
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  8. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Cheers Una. :)

    But please also take these as just my opinion of what seems to work for me. I don't check for maximum economy/efficiency so there are probably better items/methods to use. I just tend to go with what gives the most fun. :D

    The ML is amped with a Dante. (grabbed it cheap just after the amp nerf, when a lot appeared in auction at crazy low prices).

    In case you don't have an ML handy, I had reasonable results a previous time with a Maddox4/Beast, using a Bravo for tagging.
    There are also some very nice (L) guns, both crafted and looted ones, which have high rate of fire so deliver a high damage per second. With the crazy prices of the unlimited guns, you might find a good (L) gun for big hunts works out being better value than an expensive non (L) gun.

    Hogglos are a bit similar to the mobs at Crystal Palace, and also things like Neconu, which hit fast and do a reasonable damage each time they bite. A weapon that has a fast rate of fire, seems to help you interrupt their attacks, as while you are shooting the mob doesn't have a clear chance to bite you. A slower weapon leaves too much open time between shots and you get bitten more often.

    They are still tough, but are surprisingly possible with a team, as long as each person has reasonable armour or fap ability, as in a team when you are attacked, you only have to fap and stay alive long enough until the hogg chases after a team mate, then you start shooting while the team mate heals.

    Good luck and happy skilling - I hope to see your name in the hogg hof list in the future. :)
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  9. I was on when "Bacon for Bunny and Burgerman" got their Globals.
    (Only thing I got, sorry):tumbleweed:
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  10. Hehe alright, well I'm the opposite, always checking economy/efficiency :) So I know that I'm not gonna use unlimited weapons for quite a long time (seems you need to be up around lvl 50 in hit and damage to start being somewhat economic with those). Besides, my limited budget won't allow a buy of an unlimited multi-k markup gun...

    Correct, I don't have a ML handy ;) And I only use laser, not BLP. I really just wanted to know what amp you used, so I could get an idea of what dmg/sec is needed (in combo with armor and fap). Seems an amped Isis HL11(L) (maxed at lvl 34) would do the trick, maybe an Isis LR53(L) as well.

    Thanks for your advices, once again! ;)
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