2008-03-09 - Missed the amount Typical, my first global here and I wasn't quick enough to get the total, I don't even know it but I'm guessing somewhere around the 70 ped mark. I do know I walked away from the hunt with a 58 ped profit, makes a very pleasant change! Hope it counts :)
Grats! Maybe you already know this, but you can expand the Chat Box by pressing the icon with the two arrows down to the right. Gives you a few more seconds to be able to catch the global message.
Gratz on the nice global. :yahoo: :ok: Good advice from Una. Also there is a scroll bar at the right of the chat window that you can drag up to review the text, or if you have a mousewheel, click the chat window and scroll up by rolling the mousewheel. :)
I did expand the window but it was already off the top of that, there was a lot going on ;). I have not tried autoscreen I will have a look for it now, thanks for the tip.
If you turn off some of the other text fields you can recover text that has scrolled right off the top.
True, didn't think of that at the time, I was a tad busy;). Currently checking out autoscreen, no doubt once I have it installed it I won't get a global for ages. hopefully i will be able to try it tonight.
Thanks for Anna, a very nice little utility, works fine with level increases, haven't global or HoF tested it yet though, it could take some time ;)
Thanks very much ;). Do feel I should clarify, it is the first one since being a member here. Not my first global, I think I have had about 8 or 9 but don't really know. I know what you mean though, when I got the first one I nearly fell off my chair, seeing as it was an armchair that's fairly difficult! If I get a HoF I will probably break something ;). Thanks again.