Started off looting some armour and a tp chip, totalling about 40 ped, the very next beast gave me another 20 ped in armour. Shortly after that the global came and then I scored an Isis CB19 worth 25. All in just one hour and from one scratcher 2. Feeling very happy tonight, still get a big buzz when I hear the global kick off. Cost of hunt almost 60 ped, TT value of loot just over 195. Not bad for a bald guy :) Oh, bought my self a nice jacket as well.
:yeah:Big Gratz, I know exactly wot you mean about the buzz when you hear the swirlies:yeah: Sometimes I've been known to take a screenie and its not even my global LOL. I go into auto mode to take a pic when I hear them very close to me (just in case) LOL