Been playing since 2005 and I have never really gotten any good globals, nothing over 150 ped and then this happens my second day as a recruit in the Q Entities. I missed the Hof sound because I was listening to metal enjoying the slaughter. First time I used my new AS-129 in a hunt. It was well worth the purchase(TT+8k) some say that it´s a high price but they are now selling for around TT+8.2k so I am not that bummed! Hopefully this means MA likes me more... But we will see what happens next sunday on CND when I enter into CL for the first time. I know it´s the last event of the season but I just want to try it out before season two starts! Just had to share this with you guys :D
Nice one, grats! So that you know, you can upload pictures to the thread directly as attachments, very handy.