So today I went on a mining trip during my lunch break. I ended up wandering through an Atrox LA and surprisingly got a 77 PED global (mainly oil, but some wood and a FAP too) on one of the first I hit. I always seem to get good loots on mobs when I'm mining... but not when I'm hunting . Anyway, I tried to screenshot it (I use XFire - it's a new machine and I haven't installed anything else), but my new keyboard doesn't have a Scroll Lock key! So I tried print screen but just ended up with a window full of black. So no screen shot I'm afraid :-( Then I hit a wall of Atrox so I TPed over them and landed on an Allophyl Guardian. He kindled handed over just under 50 PED, so no swirlies. Then as I headed on with my mining I hit a nicely sized Narcansium which was nearly another global. I think I like this VU :yahoo:. Erach.