5 Years ago, this BBC article brought me to this place.... BBC NEWS | Technology | Gamer buys virtual space station And now, we have a new BBC article.... BBC News - Virtual asteroid run as Entropia club sold for profit I hope all the new guys will have as much fun as I have from being a part of this :)
Gratz on the 5 years :) I was brought here because of this: Gaming Steve: Man Buys Virtual Island for $26,500 - Makes Money Back in a Year (it happpened in 2004 though :D )
6 years ago, I read an article on nu.nl about the sale of Treasure Island. 5 years later, nu.nl ran a story about Crystal Palace, linking back to a site I own. Sometimes, faith has interesting ways to roll the dice. The article I read 6 years ago: http://www.nu.nl/internet/457816/gamer-betaalt-voor-virtueel-eiland-26500-dollar-video.html Last years article: http://www.nu.nl/tech/2153280/recordbedrag-betaald-virtueel-ruimtestation.html
for me it was the sale if Treasure Island as well. Think it was a BBC or CNN news article I saw on TV It was the first MMO I ever played and the ONLY one I played seriously since.
The news about TI's sale was what first made me have a look at the game, but with the pathetic internet connection i had then, i never actually tried it... Had to wait a few more years :(
Happy 5 years Spike ... for me, it was my brother who inspired me to try out PE on 4/2/05 (his birthday) after he had played for a month. I had a built-in (somewhat) mentor and benefactor to make it an easier go, so I really don't know what it was like as a pure newbie on my own, but had fun exploring with my brother.
lots of old people around...happy birthday all you cnd babies For me the game entered my life by way of a colleague hoping to get rich very fast ^^ 3 years and some months ago....he still sweats to this day
Oh, it was more a thread on the fact that the BBC has a new article on PE - that is great news for the game as the last time it brought in a huge number of UK folks :)
I stumbled across the Entropia when I was looking for a new game to play about 2 years ago. I didn't hear anything about the game at the time other than the website description of the game on MMO.com or whatever. I've gotta say, it was interesting to say the least when I first started out.