A complete list of Hunt The THING Missions

Discussion in 'ROCKtropia' started by NotAdmin, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Welcome To Camp CampbellEntering Hunt The THINGFind the Registration OfficerRegistration Officer (34346, 17248)Arctic Tactical Radio
    Camp Campbell LocationsRegistration Officer (34346, 17248)Find Research Facility (scientist)/Find Armoury (Solider)Research Facility (34377, 17388) / Armoury (34416, 17285)N/A
    Meeting Dr.MarconiResearch Facility (34377, 17388)Find Dr.MarconiDr.Marconi (Inside the Research Facility) (34391, 17387)Medkit (L)
    The WagerGrunt (Inside the armoury) (34410, 17271)Kill 30 wolvesGrunt (34410, 17271)Arctic Boots (L), Arctic Snow Pants (L), Arctic Combat Parka (L) (Male or Female, depending on avatar)
    Weapons TrainingCol. Whitely (Firing range inside the armoury) (34449, 17277)Fire 3 shots in the firing rangeFiring RangeMedkit (L)
    Your Weapon Of ChoiceCol. Whitely (Firing range inside the armoury) (34449, 17277)Take a weaponCol. Whitely (34449, 17277)Pistol (SA)(L) + 5000 Ammo (Low Grade) (Scientist) /Shotgun (SA)(L) + 5000 Ammo (High Grade) (Solider)(
    Weapons CageWeapons Cage (34439, 17274)Get ammoWeapons Cage (34439, 17274)1000 Ammo (Low Grade) (Scientist) / 1000 Ammo (High Grade) (Soldier)
    Gearing Up For Adventure! 1/3Outside the ArmouryFind The MechanicThe Mechanic (34446, 17348)N/A
    Gearing Up For Adventure! 2/3The Mechanic (34446, 17348)Restore Power To SatelliteSatellite Communications Terminal (34635, 17140)N/A
    Gearing Up For Adventure! 3/3Satellite Communications Terminal (34635, 17140)Kill 3 wolves near the Satellite Communications TerminalThe Mechanic (34446, 17348)Arctic Truck 4x4 + Oil (10)
    The Adventure Begins... 1/5The Mechanic (34446, 17348)Drive To Base GatesBase Gates (34616, 17407)
    The Adventure Begins... 2/5Base Gates (34616, 17407)Reach Checkpoint #1Checkpoint #1 (34877, 17368)
    The Adventure Begins... 3/5Checkpoint #1 (34877, 17368)Reach Checkpoint #2Checkpoint #2 (35107, 17480)
    The Adventure Begins... 4/5Checkpoint #2 (35107, 17480)Reach Checkpoint #3Checkpoint #3 (35683, 17466)
    The Adventure Begins... 5/5Checkpoint #3 (35683, 17466)Reach Scientific Research InstituteScientific Station #1 (36493, 17598)
    Searching Vehicles...Arctic Mountain 4x4 (36532, 17454)Search the 4x4Arctic Mountain 4x4 (36532, 17454)3000 Ammo (Low Grade) (Scientist)/3000 Ammo (High Grade) (Soldier)
    Lights Out 1/8Scientific Station #1 (36493, 17598)Restore Power To FacilityMain Generator (36557, 117441)N/A
    Lights Out 2/8Main Generator (36557, 17441)Get Level 1 Access KeycardArctic Mountain 4x4 (36743, 17276)N/A
    Lights Out 3/8Arctic Mountain 4x4 (36743, 17276)Go back to Main GeneratorMain Generator (36557, 17441)N/A
    Lights Out 4/8Main Generator (36557, 17441)Redistribute Power - Reduce Facility Beta 2% (Option 2)Main Generator (36557, 17441)N/A
    Lights Out 5/8Main Generator (36557, 17441)Redistribute Power - Increase Perimeter Defenses 7% (Option 3)Main Generator (36557, 17441)N/A
    Lights Out 6/8Main Generator (36557, 17441)Redistribute Power - Increase Perimeter Defenses 12% (Option 3)Main Generator (36557, 17441)N/A
    Lights Out 7/8Main Generator (36557, 17441)Redistribute Power - Increase Cooling Facility 40% (Option 4)Main Generator (36557, 17441)N/A
    Lights Out 8/8Main Generator (36557, 17441)Redistribute Power - Split Increase Facility Alpha/Beta 13/20% (Option 2)Main Generator (36557, 17441)N/A
    Searching Vehicles (2)...Arctic Mountain 4x4 (36743, 17276)Search the 4x4Arctic Mountain 4x4 (36743, 17276)Level 1 Access Card
    Reconfiguring Satellites 1/2Main Generator (36557, 17441)Reconfigure Facility SatellitesSatellite Communications Terminal (36500, 17454)N/A
    Reconfiguring Satellites 2/2Satellite Communications Terminal (36500, 17454)Reconfigure Facility SatellitesSatellite Communications Terminal (36805, 17224)N/A
    DNA Verification 1/2Satellite Communications Terminal (36805, 17224)Kill 10 wolvesLocation of 10th killN/A
    DNA Verification 2/2Location of 10th killProceed to the facilities main gatesFacilities main gates (36489, 17613)N/A
    Driving Towards The Mountains 1/2Facilities main gates (36489, 17613)Reach Checkpoint #1Checkpoint #1 (36267, 17835)N/A
    Driving Towards The Mountains 2/2Checkpoint #1 (36267, 17835)Reach Checkpoint #2Checkpoint #2 (Destroyed camp) (36446, 18332)N/A
    The Story UnfoldsDr.Verdeyen (shows up as ?) (In destroyed camp) (36433, 18368)Listen to the storyDr.Verdeyen (36433, 18368)N/A
    Army Weapons CrateWeapons Crate (36431, 18371)Search the Weapons CrateWeapons Crate (36431, 18371)Flamethrower (FA)(L)
    Up The Mountain... 1/4Destroyed Camp (36433, 18368)Reach Checkpoint #1Checkpoint #1 (36489, 18701)N/A
    Up The Mountain... 2/4Checkpoint #1 (36489, 18701)Reach Checkpoint #2Checkpoint #2 (36844, 19041)N/A
    Up The Mountain... 3/4Checkpoint #2 (36844, 19041)Reach Checkpoint #3Checkpoint #3 (37800, 19019)N/A
    Up The Mountain... 4/4Checkpoint #3 (37800, 19019)Reach Checkpoint #4Checkpoint #4 (Logan Peak camp) (38254, 19321)N/A
    Pick Up SuppliesLogan Peak camp (38254, 19321)Find the supply shedSupply Shed (38342, 19282)N/A
    Hunt The Thing 1/2Supply Shed (38342, 19282) (drop down the hole in the floor)Kill a ThingLocation of KillN/A
    Hunt The Thing2/2Location of KillESCAPE!Outside the cave (39474, 20161)N/A
    () (Nameless mission)Outside the cave (39474, 20161)N/AOutside (Just walk around a bit)Arctic Combat Helicopter (L)
    • Like Like x 1
  2. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    These missions have already been added to the EntropiaPlanets Mission Tracker, allowing you to easily check and verify which missions you might still miss. They can be found under ROCKTropia -> Hunt The THING :)
  3. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Do we have a The Thing wiki page yet? I can't find it, but in case we do, I would not mind updating it with this ...
  4. Tass

    Tass Administrator

  5. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

  6. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    ahh right, it should be logic on the wiki now
  7. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    The list is now in the wiki
  8. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Great. Will pimp the HTT page a little bit and integrate it in the almighty EU guide.

    Don't add any achievements yet because we might have a working form for that by the end of the week :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Are those all linear? No branching?

    What I would also like to know: how much is it? From RT to HTT, complete all missions and back to RT again.
  10. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Travelling from RT to HTT is free, Tass. I have to admit that I actually had a lot of fun on HTT. It has a few interestiong features to it, and the missions are better then "kill 1.5 million mobs". It actually shows a lot of potential, and I also had a go at some of the RT missions before I travelled to HTT, and those were also fun.

    Lots of running, but definitly a fresh breath of air from the usual stuff. On RT I also encountered a mission that seemed to be on a timer (As in, complete within 5 minutes), which is also interesting. There's somethign similar on Calypso, but there was no real time pressure there IIRC.
  11. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Can I add that I absolutely love the music and sounds on The Thing?
  12. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Ok, you have to kill 43 wolfs and 1 The Thing. So... would that need rather 2 PED, 20 PED or 200 PED or 2k PED to do? Or is it even doable with the rewards you get in the mission?

    And branching of the mission tree? I wouldn't mind drawig a graph if I had the info. All the missions having x/y in the name are linear I guess.

    Who wrote/produced it? Paul Inder?
  13. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    that's possible with the rewards you get :) Personally I didnt have to spent a Thing
  14. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Nice. Not that I would condition my decision whether or not to go there on that.

    So... you can only use RT and HTT items on HTT, right?

    But what about the other way round: Can you use HTT items like the Arctic Combat Helicopter (L) on RT or even other planets?

    I just added HTT to the EU glossary, so it's lexicalized now no matter whether or not it's a common term yet. ;)
  15. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Yeah, only RT or HTT items can be used in the Arctic. I have seen pictures of people using their Flamethrower on bibo's, though. Not sure it is correct, but I recall reading the flamethrower does NOT in fact work on HTT.

    And I think I might have spent an additional few PED on HTT, but it should be possible with just what you get for free from the missions. I would advise you to bring some extra oil, though, in case you want to go TP hunting.

    Edit: The only branching is based on whether you choose to be a scientist or a soldier. I picked Scientist, so perhaps as a soldier, you might not get the Dr.Marconi mission. I also had to guess at the mission rewards for soliders, so the ammo amount might be off a bit, though I'd expect it to yield similar amounts.

    Other than that, things are pretty linear. You can have one or two missions at the same time, or even finish some of the "searching" ones inbetween, but the general gist is that you finish a mission and shortly after start a new one. The missions basically guide you through the storyline.
  16. Nice summary and pitty we can't buy flamethrowers at the tt lol
  17. Did anyone elses mf implant secretly got extracted? I was not warned about this afaik...
  18. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Yeah unfortunately :( they should change that! Its the same on anciet greece on NI
  19. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    That's really important. Added it to the HTT wiki. How much is re-inserting again?
  20. 4 PED, * 5000 players = mucho pesos lol
    • Like Like x 1
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