A sceptics view on Next Island

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by RAZER, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Cyrene - probably not
    Theryone - No idea
    Toulan - Even less of an idea

    But one planet with 2 developers, so kinda like Next Island and NEVERDIE island then ;)
  2. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Not the one I had in mind. These have allready been given a license and each one has strong merits.

    I was thinking of one who hasn't yet been given a license and in my opinion doesn't deserve to be given a license.
  3. No :) It could result in the first EU planet wars.
  4. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Hi Great post by Razer, like others have commented it pretty much covers my feelings/experiences of NI too.

    Few things.

    I don't have an issue with ND leaving a residual mark on the planet. Its fair game and was probably an element of something to with the fact that his team developed it initially. Maybe part of the deal financially? Who knows. Is it a LA? If so, would be easy for spoils to be divied up.

    Anyhow yes NI is beautiful. So much so that when I did the trip from the old start place to the Greece Time travel cave I actually walked (not ran) it. Just loved looking around so much I had to take it slow!

    I like the story and the style of writing is fun. I felt greece was great and really very novel in MMO's. The restrictions are good too but it suffered from a feeling that it was designed for more content that never materialised. Plenty of times I would head somewhere that looked like it might "be something" to find there was nothing there. I was expecting a building/a hut/an npc something but no... nothing there, not even a mob... and speaking of mobs seriously there are vast tracts of land with NOTHING in them! Its an untapped resource as far as I can see. They are on to a winner with the restrictions and I hope in time they get more things we can make.

    I'd like to craft a "vehicle" Icarus Wings that consume wax ;)_

    I think leaving their forum alone broken for so long was a mistake and even now I've failed to get into it. A nice thing about NI is the frontier feel. The small community and the fact that you keep seeing familiar faces. It reminds me a lot of PE in the old days.

    Another lovely thing is the people. Some really really nice folks there and none of the bad feeling you can get on Calypso yhahaha yeh it really does feel like "another planet" oh wait! haha it is! :D

    Theres a big issue currently though with balancing I think. As a newbie you can do a mission thats actually quite hard and just get 40pecs worth of a resource as a reward with no explanation as to why its helpful?

    I DONT like the loot xxx and yyy missions though. Its fine if they were common but really it seems they aren't easy items to aquire. To give an example, the boar mission is probably not cost effective to do. I would have been far better off buying the armour reward. I'm not really moaning about this, more I feel this isn't how the NI team probably wanted it to be. It strikes me that such a thing should be "you can do the mission that will take quite a while and cost n ped or, if you are in a rush, you can buy the mission prize for n+x ped more".

    Still, I'm of the school who still can't beleive we even have missions let alone ones that give you items! :D

    I feel something needs to happen with the community at the mo though. Like some folks need to step up into the lime light and try and organise folks. There is definitely need for more info, more mentors, more traders and communication between folks. Get some stability on prices so that hunters have someone to sell to at a predictable rate and crafters can get on without things being too costly.

    This will happen in time though I think :D

    At the moment I seem to keep finding reasons to stay there. I'm intending to try and make a first visit to Arkadia hopefully before Cyrene... but who knows if I'm going to make it in time haha!

  5. Nice post, and the screenies totally got me hooked, now i really have to go and see it.
    Besides, started to really like melee lately and i hear Greece is a good place for this hobby... hmm, that sounds like a plan! :)
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