Adopt a Newbie ~ Fund

Discussion in 'Adopt a Newbie Foundation' started by Lykke TheNun, Nov 23, 2009.

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  1. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

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  2. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    OK I have some stuff to give away to

    4x FAP 5
    4x CB5
    4x Emik S30
    4x Opalo

    the FAP's are not at ful TT atm, but the others are (or close to it)

    Do you want me to give it to you Lykke, or do I need to keep it myself?

    Will have some armor to I think, but need to sort some crap out in my storage first.
  3. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Postmoderna pixel pusher

    I have some pixie and goblin parts you can have.

  4. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Ty both RAZER and Atlan. I can meet up with you somewhere. When I have it in inventory, I will write it on the list :)

  5. shit... i just tted all the old pixie parts i had... however i enjoy going and hunting the low level exo/snable/dakiba when i get low on ped ill inform you one i get a nice little collection again and give em to ya

    oh... do you want shogun parts too... or is that to advances for "noob" levels
  6. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey :) we can use everything for the fund - so no worries. Also, we need to get started the noob 'business' before we need it anyway :)

    Thanks a bunch though!
  7. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    The list is updated with a very nice donation for the *Adopt a Newbie* Foundation from Suu Left Miles :)

    Thank you so much for the donations and support!

  8. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    List updated!
  9. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Postmoderna pixel pusher

    Hey Lykke,

    When and where are you online?

    I can donate some stuff than too.

    Kind regards.
  10. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey Ion :)
    That is really awesome! I'm working from home, so you can just shout and I will log in :)

    Thank you so much - I know some newbies will be very happy!
  11. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Postmoderna pixel pusher

    Ah thats great.

    Well curently I am able to log in, so let me know where you want to meet and I rush over to deliver the goods :bigsmile:

    Kind regards.
  12. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Let's meet in PA then :)
  13. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Postmoderna pixel pusher

    Ok, on my way overthere.
  14. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Updated again :)

    Thank you Ion - and thanks to all the others who donated to the Fund :beerchug:
  15. I'm sure I have some stuff in storage that is no longer used, shame for it to gather dust when someone else may have some use for it... will you be online this weekend? I think I have you on my FL Lykke, but let me know your availability and I'll work around it.
  16. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey Mikah!
    That is absolutely awesome! Ty so much. I will be able to log in in the evenings, which is around evening at MA time (I'm GTM+1). Let me know when it suits you back :)
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