I would like your opinions on which you find the best contininent to hunt/mine on. Is it Eudoria ? wholly run by Mindark or Amethera ? on well stocked/maintained Land Areas owned by other avatars who have a vested interest to keep you coming back to their LA. I have not forgotten about CP & CND as these are unique and cannot be compared equally imho. Please leave your views , no matter how long you have been involved with EU.
hmmm, for part time hunting / mining I prefer Eudoria. I TP to Amethera If I like to hunt a special Mob in a big spawn, like Troxes or Traxes. As far as I can remember I received more globals at Eudoria than Amethera. Perhaps due to the tax on avatar owned land?
I usually find better things when mining on Amethera. For hunting I go to either continent depending on what mob I am chasing.
As far as I can see is mining not working for my on both Amethera and Eudoria. Hunting on Amethera is still too hard for me (read: If a mob sneezes I already die). So for the hunting I vote for Eudoria. All the time I played I only got one global and that was near corny beach. So I realy havent got much too say. The daikibas (only for starting players) near sweat camp are always giving too me and most of the time will help me get a little proffit.
Eudoria is safer than amethera for hunting, as you can generally go for longer without ending up at a revive. I've found loot values and the number of times you get any loot, about the same on both places. I know the theory is that you should get more loot in AV owned land areas as this would be in the owners' interest - they only earn if you get anything, but I've not found this.
Amethera does have the best mining. Public lands seem to have more resources with a couple of exception I won't mention LOL. I still do most of my hunting on Eudoria though. By the way Welcome back Cantbe.
I have to agree with Bunny on the mining. Amethera seems to pay better and I've had about the same luck in both private and public land there. I have done more hunting on Eudora because the MOBs there are generally smaller, but I find myself on Amethera more and more often now. (Una, Thanks again for running the Oyster Island TP with me.)
I like Amethera for both hunting and mining. Mining works for me best outside of any LA , hunting the same . The chance of meeting someone at Amethera is lower than on Eudoria that is nice to select mobs or mining locations in freedom ;)
im on the fence here ive globaled more in Eudoria but that is more because ive mined more there and know the areas. From what ive seen in Amathera most of the big claims ive recieved have been on the outskirts of a LA. So 50 -50 for me as far as mining goes. I dont hunt much except to protect myself (still better hunter then miner though, ... go figgure) but i seem to like amathera for hunting better.
Most of my Globals have come from Amthera. Most likely because most were from young atrox wich are harder for me to find on Eudora. All the "good" items i've gotten have come from Eudoria though. Can't comment on mining because I havn't done much of that yet.