And the winner of the first NYCGC is...

Discussion in 'Missions & events' started by Manny, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. Wangxiang Wangxiang Tuxing
    View attachment 705

    The New Year’s Next Island Celebration Global Competition is over, and while all the stakes were at the Sea Artists and their huge HOF potential, a surprise came from a bit higher up. It had the form of a Fire Drake Stalker that perished under the fire of Wangxiang Wangxiang Tuxing. As it’s only fair to be quoted again: “Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth..”

    The Skeleton fanatics redoubled their efforts but it was all in vain, because none was able to reclaim the first spot. Wangxiang continued fighting hard against the drakes even after the competition ended, proving to everyone that he was dedicated to his cause and that the victory was well deserved, as was proven with an uber HOF the next day.

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    And fittingly, it was in the middle of a hunt that Wangxiang was informed about the Ceremony and the handing out of the hut’s deed, still carrying battle scars on his armor as he stepped into Club Neverdie to meet up with Enzo. The event was relaxed as is fitting for the island, with the two discussing their views on Next Island while healing some of the players that passed by. That is, until Next Island Manger (or Island as he prefers to be called) came in, dancing and cheering Wangxiang for his victory with people coming in to congratulate the winner.

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    After some small confusion, the three met again at Crystal Resort Beach Lodges, where they proceeded with the official guided tour of the Hut before Island had to leave to prepare for C.E.S. and the launch of Next Island.

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    It was the first time Wangxiang had won something in his long EU career, and was quick to declare that he would not sell the Lodge, but that he planned to keep it and put it to use. Still obviously itching for a fight, he took the time to pose for a photo with the head of the drake that got him the first place, assuring us that he’d do anything in his powers to control the Drake menace.

    Let him be an inspiration to us all.

    Attached Files:

  2. Grats again. Hey looks like we are neighbors I'm guessing Manny meant Crystal Resort Beach Lodges unless there is another place called Crystal Palace Beach Lodges I have not found yet. Welcome to the neighborhood.
  3. oups.

    *runs to correct the typo*
  4. Woot! Gz again! Very nice prize and a great little event!

  5. Gratz
    and thanks for the nice event
  6. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Gratz to the winner :)
  7. Gratz again Wangxiang. Good job.
  8. Thank you Manny for this very nice article. Also thank you very much for your help during the ceremony.

    Thank you to all of you for your messages.

    I was just lucky.

    Some (probably very wise) person said that good luck is often with the man who doesn't include it in his plans. I tend to believe this person is right. I really didn't think I could beat Whiskey Girl, I just enjoyed hunting Fire Drakes on Next Island.

    The exact location of the hut is 136307,83612 near Crystal Resort Beach Lodges TP. The place is very favorable.
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