MSM Arkadia Celebrates a Player's Designs

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space


    It’s not often a player in an online virtual game has an opportunity to employ his or her artistic talents and actually design a unique set of armor based on a particular type of character identified in game storyline. Add a secondary opportunity to completely redesign a game creature, and we have one excited Entropian.

    MindStar Media is pleased to present its first Who’s Who Player profile in the new format, and the Entropian we are highlighting has had his artistic talents showcased via several mediums over the years that have benefited many other Entropians. It’s quit fitting that Onciest be profiled in a Who’s Who article, as he contributed in the past to the graphics of other Who’s Who profiles.


    The catalyst that inspired Arkadia’s developer (Dave Dobson) to invite Oncy to explore his artistic talents with the A-Team, was his winning Smuggler Class (UL) armor design from a contest that Bjorn Longstaff from Supremacy Reign HQ created at the Arkadia Forum back in September 2011. While it wasn’t an official contest or event, it definitely had the attention of the developers.



    Dave was impressed enough to also invite Oncy to try his hand at redesigning the Kadra creature into something more than its cat-like appearance. Oncy took on the challenge, and approximately 6 months later, we are presented with the new alien design of the Kadra with the October 9th planet update.





    There is no question that this Entropian possesses unique artistic talents, and to learn more about our profiled Who’s Who player, we invite you to listen to the podcast interview where Oncy is quite open and candid about not only his journey as a player, but also what’s in store for his future, and what other Arkadian opportunities might be in the pipeline.

    On behalf of the MSM Team, we thank Oncy for taking the time to share insight into his artistry, as well as creating the article banner for this Who’s Who profile. All graphics presented in this article are photographs or designs created by Onciest.

    Onciest Dropkick Advrise
    Visual Artist

    Article banner created by Onciest
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