MSM Arkadia Instance Video Preview

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space


    As participants in a virtual environment, we often tend to focus on the game-play aspect of our experiences, and perhaps not pay too much attention to the aesthetics. However, the effort put forth by the Arkadia team to bring beauty and dimension to the experience cannot be overlooked.

    Every step along the path of the new Aakas Instances presents an element of detail that clearly showcases the ability of the A-Team to bring the experience to life, as well as share perhaps the ambience of what was surely ancient Arkadia. After our initial experience with the instances, we actually took a walk through an instance, rather than rushing through the various levels of creatures, in order to capture some of the uniqueness, beauty, and detail.

    The following video is but a preview of what an instance offers, and after we have our experiences with instances 4-10, an “unofficial” trailer will be produced by Syer, along with a special surprise relating to the instances that I’m sure the community will appreciate.

    As a side-note about the video – we discovered that the littering of the ancient remnants at times, which clearly added to the dimension and feel it was intended to portray, created a bit of a challenge with the steady movement of the camera lens. I think Syer was also experiencing a bit of delay on his computer as well due to issues with his internet, so that may have added to it, but we are working on it, and will have it sorted for the unofficial instance trailer.

    On another note – one of the Arkadia Studios logo animations was added at the end of the video out of respect for their hard work on the instances, and to showcase that it was indeed Arkadia Studios who beautifully designed the instances.We want to make everyone aware that the A-Team did not partner with us on this video.

    However, going forward, we will have a new MSM animation of our own to brand our media productions.

    A chat took place with Dave Dobson regarding this, and he confirmed that it was ok to release the video as is with a notation about the ending animation. He has been an incredible source of inspiration, and we wish to give public thanks to his support, it is greatly appreciated.


    Article banner created by @Syer
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