Article 3/1/11 - NI at DEMO event in Palm Desert CA

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Great Dane, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. There are a couple of interesting statements in this article:

    "Today at DEMO, the company is formally announcing an awareness campaign for its virtual world and enabling the key feature of the world which could be most appealing for users: time travel." (underscore added)

    Ancient Greece "is now ready for players to see in demo form." (underscore added)

    "[David] Post has three employees and has hired 18 Neverdie developers to build his world."

    Link to the Article

    I hope Mr Post sees this thread and starts posting information on this site. It appears that time travel information was shared with the public several days ago -- but not shared here with the player community.
  2. Wow Neverdie has more employees then SDS :)

    Ya would be nice if Mr. Post took a more hands approach.
  3. Obviously we're not only supposed to follow facebook and twitter accounts in order to learn what is going on with the game we are playing and doing our best to support, but all the gaming news and articles too.

    Pity i can't +rep you again so soon for finding this.
  4. A virtual reality T.V. show? Props for originality.
  5. So obvioulsy we as the paying customers do not deserve to know that it is delivered in demo form but the media does? ;-(
    Well I am glad I didn't return to NI to participiate in yet another demo... but sucks that I still have items left in the storage of the ongoing demo...
    So I got to go there at some point but I would like it to be not so demo then... ty
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