AuctionData tool: the new mytwopecs?????

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by dendricala, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. Peauction is now gathering data from the calypso auction only ,so what happen in arkadia next island etcetc auctions is not taking in consideration (the new owner don t maintain the website since a while). Of course I consider just the expiring auctions, i asked many time to MA to give us more detailed info about the auction (mainly the BO) but like usual they don t care don t even to reply to my questions.
  2. Amber Knightley

    Amber Knightley I see dead people.

    Ok, but still my question remains, what is your source of the auction data. In game or from the clientloader feed??
  3. ofc feed
  4. little bump
  5. little bump
  6. little bump
  7. let me bump
  8. more updates are coming..............
  9. little bump
  10. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Do you actually consider implementing 'All Planets Average' graphs?

    I think that would be nice and it's really added value since it's not available anywhere else.
  11. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    I think it would be... interesting.

    If you are looking for use-cases, how about the following:

    - You looted an item and want to know what it's worth quickly. Being an all planets guy an all planets average value would be nice, so you don't need to click through all the planets for an overview.

    - An all planets average would be interesting, because it would showing the development of MU over all planets. Is the value generally rising/falling on the majority of planets, or not? It's the overall development of MU that currently is not available anywhere.

    - Being on planet X comparing the MU of an item with the all planets average you would immediately know whether it's rathers expensive/cheap where you are.

    - Also it would make a good hit page not favourising a specific planet

    Might even be cool to have the MU of all planets showing in that one graph too, like:

    ________ All Planets Average
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Calypso
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROCKtropia
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Next Island
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arkadia

    Well, that's just me, no idea if other people find this interesting. Maybe have some poll before spending valuable time for develoment. ;)
  12. i see your points.
    like i said if i get some more request i will make it happen for sure.
  13. for now soon we will have some few update about this tool. we are working about a better algoritm, complete armor set MV, some major mod to the graphs and some other little surprise.
  14. little bump.............. very close to the next update
  15. little bump
  16. little bump
  17. little bump
  18. little bump
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