I heard there was new missions on NI so I went there to check them out, and I stumbled on an cool Event Area. How they work, You enter an event area, I think there are 4 different areas. One for each type of Papoo. This style is taken from other MMOs but it still works very good. Round 1 starts, and you need to clear all the mobs, before you can proceed to Round 2. On last round you have the hardest mobs and a Boss or King. Kill him and you get an reward. Im not gonna say what it was, but I did the Events 10 times. (10 rewards xD) This wasnt an hard event for me, but I did get some of the excitement back, and it just shows that MA have given the PP their tool, its just for them to use them properly. There is a small screen series. GO GO NEXT ISLAND!!!!1
LOL you need to get out more, this is old news. Also this is part of the new missions, and yes we know about the time crystals as the reward :) http://www.nextislandlife.com/geography/1049-sensor-papoo-wave-loacations.html
For us, Next Islanders, this is all well known. But this may be useful information (including the very positive tone of Kimmi's post) for Calypsians. We could well see some more tourists on Next Island in the coming days :)
the waves are okay. I liked the new arrival mission better. I've never really liked any of that video game "boss level" stuff.