How can banner ads for a site be showing on my desktop and mobile phone, but not on my two laptops? I realise how crazy that sounds but this is how it was or is. Anyone have any ideas why this would happen?
I believe you would have a higher chance of getting qualified answers by asking such questions in more relevant forums, at least when it's not about a technical issue directly related to your experience with the house's specific product. Same here.
It just so happens that I did ask the question on a tech forum, but I thought it would be worth asking on EP as well.
Are you signed in using the same account(s) on the desktop and laptops? In our household, I certainly get different ads than Luna gets on her laptop. It's also possible that you run different versions of ad blockers (if any), or perhaps perform different activities/browse different things based on the system? My work laptop is primarily used for, well, work. My private desktop is a mix of work, personal interests, gaming, and what not. As such, unless I use cross-system sessions (for example Chrome using specific accounts with synching across devices), I'd expect to see different ads.
Well I wasn't signed-in to any account, it was just a site I had stumbled upon almost by chance using my desktop that was showing banner ads at the top of the page. I liked what the site was about, mainly computer gaming news, and so made a mental note of the domain name. Some hours later I then accessed the same site on one of my laptops but no ads were showing even though it has the same browser. I then did the same with my second laptop but again no ads were showing. Wondering wtf was going on, I then switched my desktop back on and went to the same site yet again, and ads were showing! What caused this discrepancy I have no idea. In the end I decided to upgrade the Opera browsers on the laptops thinking that might solve the issue, and this worked as of about a week ago.