Bavaria City Racing

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by RAZER, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    This Sunday the 22nd of August, Rotterdam (my home city) will host the 6th annual Bavaria City Racing. But what is this you are speaking about you might ask. Well ....

    For the 6th time in a row Rotterdam hosts the Bavaria City Racing. This means all sorts of racing cars (and for the first time this years) racing bikes will drive through the city center of Rotterdam. These cars and bikes range from Junior Go Carts, to 330 HP Renault Megane Trophy cars, to V12 powers Super League Formula cars to 800 HP, 17.000 RPM, Renault Formula 1 cars.

    The last few years around 500.000 people were watching those cars drive by at some pretty moderate speeds (6th gear in a F1 car is about 250 kph :D) driving through town wich resulted in a deafening 120 decibel echoing from the buildings.

    To give you all some idea of what will happen Sunday I have some pictures from last year for you:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And of course:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The big challenge is to find a spot where you can see something, last year I was on the roof of the building I work in, but that is probably not possible this year :(

    Bavaria City Racing

    [edit] seems there is something wrong with the images. I added them to the post by clicking My Photos to the right of the screen you type in, but the links on them seem to be broken, but you get the idea :)

    maybe a video:

  2. interesting...the last 3 pics got my attention really but couldn't seem to be able to enhance... the cars look nice too :)
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