Beginners Guide

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Guides and Help' started by Fuega, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. [001]

    [001] Genesis and Calypso Gateway - your first day

    If you have already left Calypso Gateway then skip to section 002.

    When you start this game you are put in the Genesis terminal area. There are
    six NPC's {Non-Player Character} there to talk to and learn the basics. The 6
    NPC's all have little yellow planet symbols over their head and appear as
    orange dots on your radar. When you have learned all you can and tried out all
    the varieties of clothing in Genesis go over to the Teleporter to be
    transported to Calypso Gateway island.

    On the Calypso Gateway island try to do all the missions here, because once you
    leave the island you can never go back.

    I'll leave you to explore on your own, but here are a few tips.
    1.Visit all the NPC's and gather all the missions before you start any of
    2.Don't hunt or mine more than the mission requires, or your tools and
    weapons will wear out and you may not be able to do the next mission. When
    you finish all the missions then you can go blow your left over ammo and
    3.Click on the Quest/Missions Log icon on your screen to check your progress.
  2. [002]

    [002] Introduction
    I recommend this guide for anyone needing a good plan for Planet Calypso.

    My qualifications for writing this tutorial are that I have been playing
    Entropia Universe since 2001, when it was Project Entropia Beta. I have also
    managed to make a profit playing this game, but only after years of
    experience and some wise investments. But that is not why I play, I play
    Entropia to have fun. I have put alot of research into how to play Entropia
    efficently, and I have helped many players start out in this game. My avatar
    in game and here is named Fuega.

    This tutorial is not the fastest path, but I believe it is the most
    economical one to building lots of good skills. This path is also very
    methodical, so feel free to deviate for the sake of fun. And there will be
    some choices along the way, some will save ped but be slower and others the

    One of the first thing you should do is to find a society terminal and join a
    large society. That way you can make friends easier, and have people you can
    ask questions.

    You should also make some commitments. First, of course, is to put a regular
    amount of time in the game. Second is to put a set amount of ped into the
    game each month, such as $10 or $15. That is still less than most other
    online games cost. Don't start playing this game expecting to make money right
    off the bat.

    You can play this game without depositing money, several people have.
    I only deposited an initial $10 my first year. But I progressed really slow
    the first few years too. It all comes down to what makes the game enjoyable
    for you. Please don't stress out about depositing, there are plenty of
    fun things to do in this game that don't require ped.

    I will give you web links to follow by copying and pasting them in your
    I added goals with check boxes for each section. You can do them in any
    There is a glossary of abreviations in section 009, and abreviations are
    shown in {}. Also the *1*-*5* refers to references found in section 009.
  3. [003]

    [003] Orientation and sweating - your first week
    [ ] Sign up on Entropia Planets and Entropedia.
    [ ] Set up your quick keys and screen icons.
    [ ] Talk to all the NPC's with missions in Port Atlantis.
    [ ] Join a Society and make friends.
    [ ] Collect five teleporters.
    [ ] Gather 500 vibrant sweat.
    [ ] Complete first 3 missions.

    First you need create an account here at Entropia Planets. If you have
    a question that I don't answer here, there is going to be someone with an answer there. *1*
    Second, visit Entropedia: Main Page and join there too. It is the best website
    for stats on everything in this game. Also be sure to bookmark/favorite those
    links in your browser, you will visit them alot.

    There are a few bad people that play all online games. If you run into
    someone that you think is a scammer, usually because they try to trade with
    you without asking first, you can click the right mouse button on any item in
    the trade window or your inventory, and look up what the going market value
    for that item is, or you could research the price on Entropedia. There is
    also a tutorial for avoiding scammers at:
    Fortunately 99.9% of all the players out there are decent people.

    Hit the keys I, Y, L, and G ("I" for inventory, "Y" for actions, "L" for
    editing, and "G" for keyboard setup), and play with editing your desktop
    icons and F1-F9 shortcut bars to what works best for you. You can drag
    actions or items to just about any key on your keyboard and/or create icons
    on your display. I usually place an item on one of my number keys and as a
    icon on my display. I keep my weapon hotkeys on my F1 bar, my emotes and
    dances on my F2 bar, and my mining tools on my F5 bar. In all my setups I
    open my Action Library and put "Unequip Tool" on my End key and "Toggle
    Auto-Use Tool" on my Insert Key, but you can use a different key if you like.

    You can change between 1st and 3rd person views by hitting the number 5 on
    your number pad, or scrolling in and out with your mouse wheel. Use the left
    mouse button to select what you want to target for hunting or sweating. Get
    quick at hitting the space bar, to change between aiming and the pointer for
    selecting things.
    You move your avatar by using W for walking while using your mouse to steer.
    Also use Q to change betweens walking and running, S to back up, E to jump,
    and A and D to straife. Alternately you can use your mouse to move and steer
    by holding down both right and left mouse buttons.
    The camera angle can be controlled by holding down the middle mouse button/
    scroll wheel and moving your mouse.

    Your first week or two in game will be absolutely free, no ped needed.

    When you arrived at Port Atlantis the first person you should have talked to
    was the Immigration Official, who would have marked on your map all the
    missions in Port Atlantis. Your first task will be to do as many of the
    missions in Port Atlantis as you can. Most of them you just have to go talk to
    someone, but a couple of them are hard, and you can wait and do those later.

    Your next task will be to sweat the Puny mobs around Port Atlantis.
    Collecting Vibrant Sweat and selling it to other players can be a way to play
    this game without having to deposit. To collect vibrant sweat, equip your
    VSE Mk1 and aim it at an animal and activate. Hopefully you put it on a number
    key or an icon on your screen along with "Toggle Auto-Use Tool".

    You can sweat or hunt in the first person or third person views.
    In the first person, move close enough to the animal, aim your crosshairs on
    the animal, and activate your device by left clicking or hitting the number
    key you put it on.
    In the third person, you click on the animal once to select it and then
    double-click on the animal to auto-move to the right location and begin
    Or you can also use the left mouse button to drag a mobs health bar onto your
    screen. And if you have already equiped your Mk1, you can then right click on
    its health bar and select "Use Tool" to auto-move to the right distance and
    start sweating.
    I usually hunt from the first person view, but I move to position in the
    third person, and I drag the name/health tab from the mob onto my screen to
    keep track of its health while killing it and to loot it easier.

    Your goal is to collect 500 Vibrant sweat. That may take a while, but it is
    worth it to get the associated skills. I have collected over 20000 sweat
    personally. Afterwards you can sell your sweat, or you can save it for when
    you get into mind force skills. If you do sell it, ask around to be sure to
    get the best price you can.
    If you want a change of scenery, the other place that lots of people sweat is
    at Nea's Place on Amethera. I actually prefer sweating there. At Swamp Camp
    and Nea's Place there are often people there who skill on healing. Say "thank
    you" to them.

    Your next task is to start adding teleporters {TP} to your map, and at the
    same time learn how to avoid getting attacked, by keeping the dangerous
    monsters {mobs} out of your inner radar circle.
    Go to Entropedia and click on Locations, to get a map of all the TP sites.

    You don't actually have to run all the way to each teleporter, once you get
    near enough, and are in that TP's revival area, you can just die and you will
    revive near the TP. But make sure that you actually go to the TP and get the
    message that it has been added to your map.
    Avoid the red PVP areas in the middle of the map, you will die there. If you
    need to get to the other side, run around it or use TP's to get around it.

    If things get difficult, generally, staying to the rivers and oceans are
    safer. It may take longer, but you avoid most monsters. And for some unknown
    reason, you can breath underwater but most mobs can't, so you can drown them.
    Should you get stuck somewhere contact the nice people at
    for a rescue. After you finish getting all the tp's on the Eudoria
    continent, you should do the Amathera continent also.
    If I had to pick the most important locations for beginners it would be
    Port Atlantis, then Nea's Place for sweating, then Twin Peaks for trading,
    then Fort Argus for more Snablesnot hunting, and all the Malls.

    TP running can be frustrating if you let it, or if you take your time and
    enjoy the sights it can be fun. Remember, you may have to run way out of
    your way to get around dangerous groups of mobs. Enjoy the challenge, and
    don't worry about dying. You don't loose anything when you die, you just get
    sent to the nearest Revival Terminal.

    If you have not done so yet, it is a good time to start looking for a
    Society. Check out a Society Terminal. The thing that I enjoy most about EU
    is chatting with friends. It is the best part of this game.

    next step to follow…
  4. [004]

    [004] Shopping, hunting, and healing - second to fourth week
    [ ] Buy a set of Pixie or Goblin Armor.
    [ ] Buy an Emik S30 (L) BLP Pistol and a Castorian EnKnuckles-A Powerfist.
    [ ] Swunt till you max out at least one ranged and one melee weapon.
    [ ] Max out the Vivo T1.
    [ ] Scan people, animals, robots and mutants.
    [ ] Complete all missions in Port Atlantis.

    Ok next step involves ped.
    Now you are going to buy things to go hunting.
    I recommend buying a full set of Goblin or Pixie armor. This is a good time
    to become familiar with the auction. You want to purchase with the lowest
    markup. If you right click on an item, and select Market Value, you will get
    the current sales data for that item, and you can buy wisely, perhaps getting
    it below current prices.
    You may have to wait a couple of days for the sale on the auction, while you
    do something else like sweating, and just check back from time to time
    on your bids. It should cost you less than 25 ped to purchase a full set of
    Pixie and repair it if it is not fully repaired, or 45 ped for Goblin.
    Goblin offers better protection if you are hunting Snablesnots. But both are
    good starter sets. And when you can afford it you should upgrade to Shogun
    armor. A full set of Shogun costs about 155 ped fully repaired.
    These are "Unlimited" armors, so you need to repair them every day you use
    them. Also with Unlimited armor there is a charge for putting it on, so leave
    it on all the time if you can. Some people prefer Limited (L) armor because
    they don't have that charge to put it back on.
    Sometimes I hunt without armor, and save ped that way, but you should carry a
    healing tool with you if you do that, just in case. And never wear armor if
    you are just sweating, it is a waste of ped.

    VERY IMPORTANT: Pull up your inventory, and right click on your weapon, and
    select Item Info, and then select the Show Detailed Information button. Do
    this often. When you see that BOTH the "Hit ability" and "Critical hit
    ability" are at 10/10 you have maxed out that weapon.

    Next you need to choose whether you are skilling economically or quickly.
    To maximise economy: don't switch to the next weapon till it has 10/10 in
    both hit abilities. A weapon is most efficient to use at 10/10.
    To maximise skilling speed: watch the "Learning period damage" and "Learning
    period hit" instead and when they say “Not anymore” you have maxed out your
    Skill Increase Bonus {SIB} on that weapon, and it is time to upgrade to the
    next model. You will skill quickest on weapons that you get a SIB.

    Possibly you maxed out the Sollomate Kiwio Mk.II (L) in the Gateway area. If
    not, stick with it till it is maxed out.
    Then you need to go to the Auctioneer and purchase an Emik S30 (L) BLP
    Pistol. Also purchase a Castorian Enknuckles-A Powerfist from the TT as soon
    as you can afford it. Later on in this guide, I will recommend using several
    weapons while hunting, but for now you should stick to just one weapon at a
    time till you max them out and get a feel for how to use them efficently.

    Ignore the messages that your weapon or armor has gone up in "tier" level and
    all the bells and whistles. Tiers are unimportant for now. Tiers are for
    adding enhancers, but are not recommended for low level gear.

    Finally the hunt,
    The first animals you should hunt are the Puny Berycled Caudatergus and
    Tripudion around Port Atlantis till you max out a couple of weapons. *2*
    When you are able to kill Puny mobs with one or two hits easily, you should
    hunt Snablesnot-Male Young next. You can also hunt Sabakuma and Diakiba in
    that area after you are proficient with Snablesnots.

    Always try to sweat an animal first, and then kill it when it starts
    attacking. That way you get extra sweating skills from it, and it is more
    profitable. It's called "swunting".

    If you take my advice, hunt small things that you can quickly kill, swunt them
    first, use a weapon that you are maxed out on, and then sell your loot at the
    going markup (don't TT it), you should be able to get by with just small
    deposits and possibly break even. You waste money when you start hunting
    outside of your skill level.

    You should buy the Vivo T1 from the TT, and use it to restore your health.
    To save ped you can always just wait in between killing each animal for your
    health to come back up. Doing that is free, but that makes for very slow
    going. Besides, you will get useful healing skills from using the Vivo T1.
    But be careful, you shouldn't waste 10 points of healing when you only need 5
    or 6 points to top off your health. And as always, watch the SIB and switch
    to the next model up when you max out the Vivo T1. Again you can determine
    which model should be your next by checking out Entropedia or my chart in
    section 008.

    You can also get skills from scanning using a scanner purchased from the TT,
    and they come fast and cheap. But scanning can be boring, and it takes ped.
    So if you are short ped, do it later. Just pick mobs in each category with
    low agression to scan, and stay outside of their agression range, and "auto
    use" your scanner. I recommend getting at least each scanning profession up
    to level 3.

    If you want to speed up skilling in hunting or mining concentrate on just
    that activity and skip sweating or scanning for now.
    And don't forget to have fun.

    next step to follow…
  5. [005]

    [005] Armor, mining, and crafting - fifth week on
    [ ] Try out all the TT weapons.
    [ ] Pick a favorite weapon type and raise that profession to level 10.
    [ ] Get yourself a good set of armor.
    [ ] Help some new player that are sweating by healing them.
    [ ] Mine tons of enmatter.
    [ ] Mine tons of ore.
    [ ] Buy all the books and blueprints {BP} that the Technician sells.
    [ ] Raise one BP to a Quality Rating of 100 through crafting.
    [ ] Purchase a Teleport Chip and vehicle.

    Ok, now you have been playing for a month and you are no longer a noob.

    Continue to work on maxing out all the weapon from the TT to get a good feel
    for each type of weapon. But once you find a weapon type that you like you
    should stick to that weapon type till you get to at least level 10 in its
    Hit Profession. Click the star icon, and to see your professional standings.
    The Profession (Hit) for each weapon type is what relates to your "Hit
    ability" that you watch to max out weapons.

    The advantage of melee weapons are that they are easier to hit with so more
    economical as far as damage done. But the advantage of a ranged weapon is that
    sometimes you can kill a mob before it gets to you, so you take less damage,
    and that can also save ped.
    You can also shoot first with a ranged weapon and then switch to a melee
    weapon when the mob gets to you, and that will save even more ped, but it will
    make skilling much slower too.

    If I am shooting, I will usually start too far away and right-click the mob
    to auto-move me to the right distance before I shoot. That way you don't
    waste ammo by shooting from too far away, yet you start at the maximum range
    to hit it.

    Also by now you will be needing some good armor.*4* It is good to have a set
    of mid-level armor for general purpose use, such as Aurora (L) or Zombie (L).
    Personally I have about 7 different sets of armor and plates to use depending
    on what I am hunting. Armor plates attach to each piece of armor to enhance
    its protection.
    The best advice is to go to Entropedia and click on Armor, then click on
    Armor Adviser, then enter the creature and maturity you are planning on
    hunting, and just click apply. You will see what is the most efficent
    combination of armor and plates to wear.
    My favorite outfit to just run around in is BodyGuard (L), because it costs
    almost nothing and doesn’t have a charge for changing like clothes and UL
    armor do.

    Once you get a good set of armor and a decent healing kit {FAP} you can offer
    your services to others to heal them while they hunt. Most people just charge
    for the decay on the FAP because it is a good way to gain skills. It is good
    to carry around a fast heal FAP for emergencies and a slow heal more efficent
    FAP with a SIB for general use and skilling.

    Now that you have some skills at defending yourself, at this time it would be
    good to start mining. You need to purchase the Ziplex Z1 Seeker, the Earth
    Excavator ME/01, and a bunch of Survey Probes from the TT. The Z1 has a
    range of 54m, so it is most economical to space your probes at least 100
    meters apart. Most peoplecount how many seconds it takes them to run 100
    meters, and then run and drop by that count. Some people move slowly and
    chart their results on a graph. When you find a claim it pops up a range display
    and you move to the marker and use your Excavator on it till it runs out.
    I have included a list of mining gear and the SIB progression to follow in
    section 008. And if you have not purchased a Refiner from the auction yet, you
    will need those also. They are necessary for reducing the weight you are
    carrying so you don't have to return to your storage as often. Mining is my
    favorite past-time in the game and it builds very useful skills.

    You should check the auction and consider purchasing a Lesser Teleport Chip.
    They are the fastest way to travel and sometimes help if you get in a
    dangerous spot, but they do waste ped. Remember, you can always hit T on the
    keyboard and teleport back to the closest revival terminal for free anytime.
    You will need to purchase a Mindforce Implant and insert it using a Implant
    Inserter from the TT. Then you use mind essence to power your chip. You can
    purchase Mind Essence from the auction or you can make your own Mind Essence
    using Sweat and Force Nexus in your Energy Refiner.

    Another way to get around that is fun is to purchase a vehicle. If you
    have about 50 ped to spare it is definetly worth the cost to purchase a
    Valkyrie Mk1 on the auction. It makes finding tp's much faster and safer if
    you haven't done that yet. You must also get a Vehicle RK-5 (L) to repair your
    car as it takes damage. And your car will need about 10 ped of oil for fuel.
    Also put all the vehicle related actions on your desktop.

    Should you decide to get into crafting know it takes alot of ped and patience
    to do crafting *5*. I usually craft using the stuff I obtain from mining.
    The best place to start is to find a Technician (usually near an Auctioneer)
    and buy the Blueprint Book Component (Vol. II) and a Galaxy SI Ion Conductors
    Blueprint. You get a SIB on that BP and can use the Animal Muscle Oil that
    you get from hunting. When you have enough ped buy one of every blueprint and
    book that the Technician sells. Most of those BPs have SIBs.
    Be sure to stick to level 1 BP's till you max out your Success Rate (the
    little green bar) on the crafting machine for each type of BP. Otherwise you
    will have lots of failures and loose ped.

    Finally, if you decide that you want to short-cut the skilling process and
    use skill implant chips you can. I have never done this, I prefer natural
    skilling. Perhaps I am too conservative at times, since most uber players I
    know have chipped skills in. Please research chipping in skills before you go
    and buy them.

    next step to follow…
  6. [006]

    [006] Advanced Hunting
    [ ] Try out all of the weapon types listed in section 007.
    [ ] Raise the profession level for one weapon type to level 20.
    [ ] Collect all the TPs on Planet Calypso.
    [ ] Visit FORTUNA asteroid and the Crystal Palace.
    [ ] Try to complete level one of all the Iron Challenge missions.

    More hunting advice:
    If you like, it is good to max out all weapons types with a SIB because most
    of the skills gained are general. You will gain skills the most economically
    by maxing out all the weapons listed in section 007 in order. But it does
    make for slower profession progression when you try to skill on everything.

    Therefore, when you find a weapon that you like you should stick to that
    weapon type till you are good with it so that you can move up to better
    weapons faster.
    When looking for a new weapon, try to choose weapons that you are close to
    maxing out on, because if you don't you will waste a lot of ped on misses and
    lower damage output.

    Using different weapons and items builds different skills. If you go to
    Entropedia it will show you which skills relate to different professions.
    Because most skills overlap and are general sometimes you will get whistles
    that you went up in a profession that you weren't even working on.
    Therefore, if you have trouble finding a weapon that you need to skill on
    next, but you find a similar weapon it will still help build most of the
    skills you want till you can find what you were looking for.

    Know your weapons and how much damage they do, and learn to read the health
    bar of the mob, so you can judge how much damage to do to finish it off.
    If you are using high power weapons that do alot of damage and eat ammo,
    sometimes you need to switch weapons if you need just a small hit to finish
    the mob off. The TT pistol is a good finishing weapon. Using a finishing
    weapon is key to hunting economically.
    Place your weapons on hot-keys, preferably your number keys, so you can
    change weapons quickly.

    Once you start hunting big mobs, you may change how you hunt, possibly using
    multiple weapons per kill.
    Your dream goals for weapons will to be to have 2 or 3 primary weapons.
    FIRST, you should have an economical weapon for killing low level mobs that
    get in your way and for finishing hits on bigger mobs. Your finishing hit
    should be just enough to kill the mob. A good example of an economical
    finishing weapon is an axe.
    SECOND, you should have a high power fast kill weapon for when you hunt
    dangerous mobs. A good example of a fast kill close range weapon is a blp
    THIRD, you should also have a nice long range weapon for your first shot.
    Good examples of long range tag weapons are plasma rifles and rockets.
    FOURTH, be sure to USE AMPS where you can, starting with the Bull Tac 10 (L)
    for blp guns and the Shear XR40 (L) for energy guns. You can't put high end
    amps on low end guns anymore, so move up the scale of amps as your skill goes
    up. For efficency sake, you should get a Fi/Ra/Co Beast and a Omegaton A103
    or A104 when you can use them. Amps significantly increase efficiency.

    Remember that the faster that you kill a mob, it does the least amount of
    damage to you and your armor, and it regenerates less health, saving you ped.
    Also you don't want to waste ped by overkilling the mob, so choose the right
    weapon for the job. A good hunter might change weapons 2 or 3 times per kill.
    Starting with the long-range tag, then your high damage close-range, and then
    your finishing weapon for the last hit. And sometimes you get more skills
    when using more than one weapon per kill.

    Hunting really big mobs beyond your level can be fun, but remember, that if
    you can't take it down in less than 20 seconds using your SIB weapon you are
    probably wasting ped. It can be fun, if you don't mind the cost. If you want
    to hunt big mobs I would recommend teaming up with other players.

    At this point adding enhancers to items is still not cost effective for
    the beginning player. So it doesn't matter how fast your weapon tiers up if
    you don't intend on putting enhancers on it.
    If you want to use enhancers on your items you need to have tier boxes
    unlocked. The better the tier rate the faster it reaches the next level and
    the box unlocks. If you are only going to use one enhancer look for a tier
    rate over 100 on level 1. Unfortunately the tier rate given to an item is

    Again I need to point out, that if you want to skill quickly as a hunter, you
    should skip the sections on mining and crafting etc., and stick to skilling
    on just one weapon type. You can always go back and get the other weapon
    skills and other professions later.

    Next step… you are an Uber and tell me what to do.
  7. [007]

    [007] Weapons List *3*

    List of beginner weapons with SIB sorted by what profession level they max at:
    (The Profession (Hit) is listed for each weapon to aid in choosing the next
    weapon to use if you are sticking to one type.)

    RANGED WEAPONS: .... maxed at. profession . max .. notes
    ...................... level ... (Hit) ... damage
    Sollomate Kiwio MK.II (L) .. 1 . Laser Sniper ... 5. buy @ TT
    Emik S30 (L) ............... 4 . BLP Pistoleer .. 5.
    Omegaton M2100 ............. 5 . Laser Pistoleer. 4. buy @ TT
    Solomate Opalo ............. 5 . Laser Sniper ... 8. buy @ TT
    Isis CB5 (L) ............... 5.7 BLP Sniper ..... 8.
    Willard Heatray A (L) ...... 6 . Plasma Pistoleer 18
    Breer P1a (L) .............. 6.9 Laser Pistoleer. 9.
    Breer M1a (L) .............. 6.9 Laser Sniper ... 14
    Svempa S40 (L) ............. 7 . BLP Pistoleer .. 9.
    GeoTrek LP120 Niloticus (L). 8 . BLP Sniper ..... 12
    Breer P2a (L) .............. 8.1 Laser Pistoleer. 11
    Breer M2a (L) .............. 8.1 Laser Sniper ... 19
    Willard Heatray B (L) ...... 8.2 Plasma Pistoleer 22
    Isis BL800 (L) ............. 9 . BLP Pistoleer .. 22
    or Emik S50 (L)
    Breer M3a (L) .............. 9.5 Laser Sniper ... 20
    or Riker UL1 (L)
    Breer P3a (L) .............. 10. Laser Pistoleer. 16
    or Korss H350 (L)
    GeoTrek LP175 Sphyra (L) ... 11. BLP Sniper ..... 17

    MELEE WEAPONS: ..... maxed at. profession ... max .. notes
    ...................... level ... (Hit) ..... damage
    Loughlin Masher One (L) .... 4.5 .One Handed Clubber 22
    Castorian EnKnuckles-A ..... 5 .. Brawler .......... 6. buy @ TT
    Castorian Survival EnBlade-A 5 .. Knife Fighter .... 11 buy @ TT
    Castorian Combat EnBlade-A . 5 .. Swordsman ........ 20 buy @ TT
    Loughlin Smacker One (L) ... 6.9 .Brawler .......... 9.
    Loughlin Scratcher One (L) . 6.9 .Knife Fighter .... 13
    Loughlin Cutter One (L) .... 6.9 .Swordsman ........ 23
    Loughlin Masher Two (L) .... 7.1 .One Handed Clubber 32
    Loughlin Scratcher Two (L) . 8.5 .Knife Fighter .... 18
    Loughlin Smacker Two (L) ... 8.6 .Brawler .......... 12
    Dominax Original Viper (L) . 9 .. Whipper .......... 3.
    Loughlin Cutter Two (L) .... 9.2 .Swordsman ........ 49
    Loughlin Cutter Three (L) .. 10.1 Swordsman ........ 53
    or Rutic Slo (L)
    Kesmek Slo (L) ............. 10.2 Knife Fighter .... 25
    Force Mace Assail (L) ...... 11 . One Handed Clubber 37

    MINDFORCE WEAPONS: ...... maxed at. profession. max .. notes
    ........................... level ... (Hit) .. damage
    Electric Attack Chip I (L) ....... 2. Electro Kinetic 10
    Cryogenic Attack Chip I (L) ...... 3. Cryogenic ..... 11
    Combustive Attack Chip I (L) ..... 4. Pyro Kinetic .. 20
    Electric Attack Chip II (L) ...... 4. Electro Kinetic 14
    Cryogenic Attack Chip II (L) ..... 5. Cryogenic ..... 27
    Combustive Attack Chip II (L) .... 7. Pyro Kinetic .. 38
    Electric Attack Chip III (L) ..... 7. Electro Kinetic 24
    First Gen Electric Attack Chip II. 8. Electro Kinetic 32
    First Gen Electric Attack Chip III 9. Electro Kinetic 36
    Combustive Attack Chip III (L) ... 10 Pyro Kinetic .. 51
    Cryogenic Attack Chip III (L) .... 10 Cryogenic ..... 47
    First Gen Electric Attack Chip IV. 10 Electro Kinetic 39

    SUPPORT WEAPONS: . type .. maxed at. profession. max .. notes
    ............................ level ... (Hit) .. damage
    Vumpoor J4 (L) .. grenade launcher. 4 . Grenadier. 30
    Skildek P40 (L) . rocket launcher . 5 . Grenadier. 35
    Eraktor Es10 (L). grenade launcher. 6 . Grenadier. 41
    Eraktor Es20 (L). grenade launcher. 8 . Grenadier. 57
    DetPil Rv50 (L) . rocket launcher . 9 . Grenadier. 52
    Vumpoor Rx10 (L). grenade launcher. 11. Grenadier. 99

    Note: your support grenade and rocket launchers need explosive projectile
    ammo, so save that when you get it in loots, and buy more on the auction if
    you need to. I usually shoot the grenades when I find 2 or more mobs close
  8. [008]

    List of tools, and suggested order for skilling:

    You can also go to Entropedia and get other data on these tools, like their
    range, efficency and rate per second.

    Healing Tools (FAP's): - maxed at - heal/
    -- name ------------------- level - click - notes
    1. Vivo T1 ---------------------- 1.5 - 10.3 --- buy @ TT
    2. Vivo T5 (L) ------------------ 3.5 - 18.3 --- (adapted ok)
    3. Vivo T10 (L) ----------------- 6 --- 25 ----- (adapted ok)
    4. Hedoc SK-20 (L) -------------- 11 -- 34.3 --- (adjusted ok)

    Mining Tools: ---------- maxed at
    -- name ------------------- level - type -- notes
    1. Transformer T-103 or T-104 --- 0 -- refiner - buy @ auction
    2. Ziplex Z1 Seeker ------------- 1 -- finder -- buy @ TT
    3. Earth Excavator ME/01 -------- 1 -- excavator buy @ TT
    4. Finder F-210 (L) ------------- 2 -- finder
    5. Finder F-211 (L) ------------- 4 -- finder
    6. Resource Extractor RE-201----- 4 -- finder
    7. Ziplex Z15 Seeker (L) -------- 5 -- finder
    8. Resource Extractor RE-202----- 6.5- excavator
    9. Ziplex Z20 Seeker (L) -------- 7 -- finder
    10. Finder F-212 (L) ------------ 10 - finder

    Most miners carry around two extractors: the TT version to save ped (they are
    the most efficent), and a faster version for when you are in a dangerous
    location. Also, any refiner is better than the TT version, so buy your
    refiners on the auction.
  9. [009]

    Glossary of Common Abreviations:

    EU = Entropia Universe (renamed Planet Calypso)
    NPC = Non-Player Character (show up as orange dots on radar)
    PED = ingame money (aprox. 10 ped = $1 depending on fees)
    (L) = Limited item (can't repair, but generally more efficent)
    UL = Unlimited item (repairable at a Repair Terminal)
    TP = Teleporter (blue dots on your map, once you find them you can use them)
    TT = Trade Terminal (used to buy ammo and general supplies. To "TT something"
    is to sell it back at its base cost to the trade terminal.)
    Mob = animals, robots, and mutants
    Swunting = Sweat first till it attacks, then kill (most efficient form
    of hunting)
    SIB = Skill Increase Bonus (found on the second tab of the items info,
    extremely important)
    BP = Blue Print
    FAP = Healing Tool

    References and further explanations:

    *1* After reading this guide, you should also check out some of the other
    tutorials here.
    Another very thorough guide for entropia was written by Alice and can be
    found at
    *2* If you go to Entropedia, and click on Creatures and then Maturity Levels,
    and sort the columns by Damage, and you will notice that the Snablesnot-
    Male Young and Sabakuma Young have the lowest Threat level of any
    creature worth hunting (the small birds run away, and loot poorly).
    *3* Make sure you create an account at Entropedia so you can log in and save
    this. Then go to the Weapons chart; then click on the box next to
    'Configure Columns'; then add a green check mark next to the first two
    boxes that say 'Req.' and 'Maxed'; then go back and uncheck the box next
    to 'Configure Columns' to save the chart; then click on the header
    'Maxed' to sort the chart by that. This should give you the list of
    weapons with Skill Increase Bonus (SIB) you need to skill on and in what
    order. That is how I got the list of weapons in section 4.
    *4* You can read How Armor Works at: How Armor Works
    *5* I would check out: Bob the Builder - Version 2.0 for crafting advice,
    it has excellent stats on what to craft with the highest ped return.
  10. [010]

    End Notes:

    This document is a work in progress, so I do appreciate suggestions. Private
    message me your suggestions, so that I can look them over, and add them as an
    I am not writing this to farm for new players. Nor did I write it to compete
    with any other tutorial or to disagree with anyone. I have never borrowed the
    work of any other tutorial, it is original. I just like helping other people.
    I wrote the first draft of this for my society and friends back in 2005.
    I feel that this is a unique tutorial, because it mostly emphasizes getting
    as many skills as possible as cheaply as possible. Most other tutorials have
    the perspective of skilling as quickly as possible. My best suggestion is to
    use this in concert with other tutorials. You can never have enough
    If you haven't figured it out yet, I like doing everything in this game, and
    suggest that people try everything in this game at least once, even if they
    end up concentrating on just one skill.
    If you use this tutorial or find it useful, please acknowledge such, and say

    Some friends have received my permission to post this guide on their website,
    but I can't keep those updated. I will always post the most up-to-date
    version of this guide here, on EF, and at GameFAQs.
    I wrote this guide using Notepad, so if it makes it easier to follow, you can
    copy this to Notepad and print it out or download the copy at gamefaqs.
    This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
    private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
    publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
    website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
    violation of copyright.
  11. space reserved for notes and changes:

    I decided to make this guide more of a community project, and less of my project. I would appreciate PM's of your suggestions. I will try to fairly represent all perspectives, and at the same time keep this guide simple and short.
    I appreciate the people that have written other tutorials to help players. This guide is not meant to replace them, and is best if used in concert with them.
    The purpose of this guide will always be to help new players.

    Rules for this guide: 1 Keep it simple and short. 2. Try to cover all subjects relating to new players first month or two. 3. Try to accommodate all perspectives.

    I have had good suggestions that lead to changing/adding several items in the guide.
    It seems like the most discussion has gone on about how to build hunting skills. On one side is skilling on multiple weapons to maximise SIB and minimize over-kill. The other side is to stick to one weapon to maximize damage progression. Both sides have valid points, so I tried to include them both.
  12. A friend suggested I post my guide on EP, so here it is.
    I did a quick cut and paste from the original, so I will try to get it all lined back up in the next couple of days. I will also try to customize this copy to EP. :smile:
    • Like Like x 3
  13. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict

    Haven't read it all, but it looks ok on first sight ;)
  14. narfi

    narfi Lost

    A nice guide as always Fuega!

    The organization and lay out would fit really nicely into a wiki. You might talk to the crew here about helping you set it up on their wiki here and have an easy to edit place to store your work and link to.

    Just an idea of course :P

    Keep up the good work,
  15. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Looks great, Fuega.

    For some of the things you list, like the TT-tools, you probably can use actual tables. We run some customized code here on EP that allows you to properly get your data displayed in tables rather than seeing the vBulletin text editor mess things up.

    Here's the post containing the basics about posting tables :)

    Have some +rep for your work. If you have no objections, I can also add a few links within your posts to pages in our own EntropiaPlanets wiki that might contain information that compliments your guide. Our local wiki gurus RAZER and Tass have been busy bees, and there's quite a lot of things documented already. I'm thinking of stuff like the Calypso Gateway page, or perhaps individual mission pages that offer a full breakdown of how to do the missions. As an example, see the page detailing the gateway mission "The Veteran's Tale".

    1 last little tip I would give is to not try and try to maximize all possible weapons. I would suggest for new people to perhaps give them all a shot and see which style they like best, and then focus on that.

    So te first choice is between ranged and melee. Melee brings you up close to the mob, which means some more excitement. At the same time, it also means you need to ensure you have better evade and/or healing skills. The weapon you pick for melee is relatively unimportant. Longblades, shortblades, or powerfists all basically do damage, but the main difference is in the amount of times you need to click in a minute.

    Ranged initially differs between short range and long range. Rifles are real long range, but most of them reload relatively slow. Carbines are faster but more limited in range, while pistols are by far the fastest, but have the shortest range. If you pick the right rifle for the right mob, you typically will be able to bring them down before they reach you, or at least have them gnawing on you less than with melee. Evade and armour will still help, but will be less crucial.

    There's also a difference between BLP and Laser ranged weapons. BLP is faster and deals more damage, but at the cost of decay. Laser typically will be more economical, but you'll experience a reduced killrate in exchange.

    In any case, the more you manage to focus on a particular style of hunting, the more it will matter that you have the optimal skillmix to support that style. If you want to do ranged laser damage, melee skills mostly are useless. This could of course be a choice to make, but you'll have to sacrifice efficiency for it.

    Just my thoughts :)
  16. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Great stuff Fuega! I checked this out already on EF a while ago.

    The thing I would be looking for in this thread is a link to each section using the Post # link displayed in the top right of each post, such as:

    [000] - Calypso Gateway - your first day


    Just to make life easier for those browsing. Awesome stuff though and nice to see you keeping it updated for changes like Calypso Gateway too :)


    Dalas :afro:
  17. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Indeed! It would be great to preserve it like it is and have it on one single wiki page. This would also fit best Fuega's approach, short, original, focussed.
  18. Wow, thanks for all the advice.
    It really would be great to put the weapons in tables. I will try to do that. It is a real pain trying to get all the columns to line up in the text editor, so that will help enormously, but I'll have to read up on how to do that.
    I am thinking about how to include the advice on not maxing out every weapon type. I see your point, and will try to adjust fire.
    It would be cool to put this on the wiki site, but I need to learn how to do that. I have been studying up on it, but I will probably still need some help. Thank you for suggesting putting the guide on this site.
    That is an awesome idea. I will link the table of contents to each section.

    ok, off to work, it will all have to wait till this evening :smile:
  19. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    To put it on the wiki you can...

    - just click the link that was put on the Guides page
    - since the page does not exist yet you will be directed to the editing window automatically
    - copy and paste everything in the window
    - click "Save page" at the bottom of the page

    That's basically it. Much easier than putting it on the forum. And from there you can start exploring the wiki functionality like adding headlines, links, images, tables...

    Any questions, just call. ;)
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