Maybe amazon will do similar shit like this : (?) > Maybe "great " CE2 games will be thrown at the market now ? CE2 asset store on amazon ? Is there aynone that remembers the discussion about licensing fees (for AAA titles) ? (and/or what MA had to pay) I was only able to find the standard "1.2 mio $" rumor and the indi fees : 2013: CryENGINE® 3 Independent Developers Platform We want you to make games with CryENGINE® 3 that people will want to play. We hope that your work will lead to a product you can commercialise. If this is the case, before you can sell your work or your game, you must seek a development license for CryENGINE® 3. We’ll offer a royalty-only license model for Independent Developers, where Crytek require only 20% of the developer’s revenues from the commercial launch of their game. 2014 : (20% removed) " CRYENGINE® Independent Developers Platform We want you to make games with CRYENGINE® that people will want to play. We hope that your work will lead to a product you can commercialize. If this is the case, before you can sell your work or your game, you must seek a development license for CRYENGINE®. "
"Foundry 42", a Manchaster based Studio (part of "Cloud Imperium Games") created a german subsidiary "Foundry 42 Germany" in Frankfurt, with former longtime Crytek employees, to work on StarCitizen.
Hmm doesn't surprise me... Star Citizen... it brings be out in a cold shudder every time I think about the disappointment on the horizon for all those people who bought expensive ships
Didnt you have a friend at Crytek London ? I guess it wasnt "Foundry 42" then ? :S I also bet Star Citizen will die before Entropia dies.
Crytek Nottingham. The one that was taken over by Koche or what ever they are called. In short they bought the dev team for their Home Front 2? game so they can go on making it. I think you might be right about SC
OoOOooOOoooOo yeah, poor "Rare Team" :( (they looked very british indeed back then) So much kicking around, by loosing more and more good people. They have deserved better for all their great titles ! But "Koch Media" isnt really bad. (Trackmania, Sacred etc.). I never tried Homefront though.
Not the first time this happens, according to Wikipedia. But then, it resonates with my own experience in the software branch. Not an ideal career choice if your life depends on the payments.
*insider* amagawd, crytek adding PhysX to MA can finally add physics...*insider* x'D
Mh, Crytek is/was 3-4 Studios, with no substantial games released in over 3 years (except VR demos...). Of the 2 in development one is a F2P MOBA -not that there aren't enough F2P MOBAs yet- and the other is a F2P 3rd person (co-op multiplayer) shooter supposed to enter beta since late 2014... Given that situation I can imagine it can be difficult to stay solvent...
Poor crytek - they don't seem to have a lot of luck these days. I wonder if MA would be ok if they went under completely. I'm guessing "probably" I think they had to change the engine massively to get it to work in the first place.
Just a random find during window shopping, where a top former Crytek guy went: And I know what I'm a gonna play again more... :) (Edit: Just learned that it requires Steam. Which makes it a Nope. Sticking with the classic then.)