Can we get an update from NDS or NI as to how the bug fixes, new content, and official launch are coming along? We all expected great things with the last update but received nothing. Is there another update on it's way shortly? Is NI waiting on MA to upload an already completed update to us? NI is really great but before it turns into a reality TV show we gotta get some BP's, bugs fixed, Greece opened up, advertisement to bring in new players....etc. I was totally hyped about NI when it opened but after a month or more of NOTHING I'm getting worried. No more interaction from NDS avatars, minimal interaction from NI employees via this forum. Has the ball been dropped here or is MA f'king the dog releasing content that was completed some time ago? Please don't let such a good thing go to hell in a hand basket due to lack of fixes/content/and interaction with your customer base. Menace
Well, neverdie said blueprints were planned in the vu that was planned to be released early january... He didnt say what year though :) but seriously, the NI team sure lost some members because they never reply and never show up on the forum.. Simply dropping a line or two twice a week would have been a smart move for them, not just money-wise... Typing a line or two just to say hey every once in a while takes a few minutes, but could make them alot of money by keeping their players... I love ni and im staying, but having to deposit constantly to play because there is hardly any market on NI is not fun... And playing with no money is not fun either... You gotta give us customers a little attention.. A few minutes every week would keep us happy and save you money
Ditto & Amen to all that everyone said above, except the advertising, we need that to stop for a bit as there has been tons of that already and it should not be the priority focus at this point in time as it is actually detrimental with things being as they are.
LOL Date and Time? We can film it and send it to them :) Maybe the TT bar would be better, jump off the end of the ramp lol
As soon as I have a firm date for the new toys in the next NI VU, I will let everyone know. The dev guys -- both in NDS and MA -- are working really hard to implement great new stuff for you. My best estimate is Feb 1, but don't push me off Mount Pele if there are more delays. Thank you so much for your patience as we work on the game, and I can not thank you enough for all you're doing inworld to help newbies! "A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever" -- Shigeru Miyamoto