The mission "Georgie.... Georgie...." is bugged. It is obtained on ROCKTropia from NPC Georgie Boy in the alley behind NEVERDIE Loans and Savings at coordinates 135320, 88100. The story reveals that Georgie Boy is a 4 time Middle-Weight champion fighter in the ROCKtropia United Fighting Federation (RUFF), and then instructs you to find a location called "Muscle Park", in case you want to be just as strong as Georgie. However, the waypoint on your map is right at the edge of the map, and if you would attempt to travel there, you'll end up at a mountain range, with the waypoint just beyond the mountains, and essentially unreachable. Turns out the mission is just bugged. The actual location of Muscle Park is actually not too far East from where you get the mission. The coordinates of NPC Ivan are 135753, 88074. You will see a couple of orange dots on the map, which is the NPC as well as a variety of fitness gear, that can be used to start "workout" missions that require you to kill various MOBs. Be advised that at least one of these missions itself is also bugged. See "Bug with mission counter - Ivan The Trainer mission" for more info about that. At this moment, it is not known whether the more advanced workout missions suffer from the same bug. Should you know whether that is the case, please do let us know :)
It may be that Georgie is simply crazy and forgot the location of Muscle Park. I choose to believe in this fun little twist...:roflmao:
Perhaps it would be easier to track all these bugs in a wiki section for RT. Then I could also point rt developers to that section. Would be easier for them to find such lists they get buried even on nd's forum.