I traded one cld about a year ago for this archon sword but have since determined that I can't really afford to deposit as much as I was hoping in order to use it regularly. As a result, I've got one archon sword I'll swap with someone for a cld. It is possible that i might be able to do item trade to add a little more in to the bucket too (I have an oddball collection of things in my storage unit including most of the duchev logs, and what is probably the largest colellection of tomtebloss in any one place in the universe - pm and we can talk about negotiation).... would prefer to just swap 1 cld for this archon if possible, but we can talk negotitations a bit. Wanting the cld since the viper whip doesn't require massive amounts of deposits to repair. I've mainly been using the Thing's oil rig to do the repairs, but that gets a little boring from time to time... a cld could help with that just a tad.