Collaboration idea for various trackers

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by starfinder, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. I don't understand what confuses you. If I'm using a single website, and I want to turn anonymous (and assuming I'm allowed to do that), where's exactly the problem? :disgust:
  2. So.. you are using 1 website.... and 1029 websites are showing your globals.. when you turn off the showing of your globals.. you are happy that they are just hidden on the one site you actually use.. or do you want them hidden on ALL sites..
  3. one interesting use of the shared exclude list is that anyone obtaining could then do something mischievous like run a tracker site that focuses on capturing and showing all those that think they have something to hide :naughty:
  4. I wouldn't give a damn, really. Anyone can extract the names, and you shouldn't blame the websites for it. As admin already noted, people should raise a public concern regarding their names getting displayed in the open, or at-least ask Mindark to implement a feature to filter out the avatar's name in the chat log.

  5. I agree in regards to the "get MindArk to filter it"... but since they dont.. why not offer the service to the users?...

    I guess so.. if they really want to piss off ppl.
    Also, being a member of the "community of trackers" - and thus having access to the lists, would obviously mean that you could not do that... Failure to comply would get you "kicked out" of the comunity and hence you could not see the lists... :)
  6. We all know this isn't going to happen, as this is prone to errors :banghead:.
    Are you planning to connect multiple different websites to the same MySQL (or be it a file) database? How is this going to work exactly? Who will be hosting and taking all the traffic? What happens if the hosting server collapses?.. too much thought put into making ten users anonymous, in my opinion.

  7. By "site" I did mean the location in the universe, since it would allow tracking CND globals va planetary globals, etc... well for those locations that pimp themselves in globals anyway. :)

    Location may indeed be a better label for that field.
  8. Lol.. no. no one will get access to any database..

    Here are the ones who are hidden on entropia tracker atm.. The idea is that Entropia Planets makes a file like that as well.. I read theirs.. they read mine.. any avatars who are hidden on Entropia Planets, but are not on Entropia Tracker will be hidden when i read the Entropia Planets file...

    Edit: By request from administrator link has been changed.

  9. Starfinder, did you just publish a list of names of people that want to remain private? Do yourself a favour and remove that link, seriously.

    And i think has just ended all considerations about cooperation in privacy...


    And what exactly is the idea behind having an "info" node with only one child node called "hiddenAvatar"? I mean, you have used xml before, no?
  10. Its their globals they want hidden, no?...
    Not that there exists an avatar name with that name...

    Its a generic XML....
    (Thought that there might be needed more info later on)

  11. Thats nothing but an assumption - by default you should treat ANY customer data as "private" - you just violated that (very basic) rule...

    Please remove the link.
  12. If you feel it needs to be removed.. it says "administrator" next to your name, im sure that comes with soem form of editing capabilities..

  13. It doesn't read "Moderator", does it?
    And i prefer you do that to show you've understood the problem - i'm too busy and you are too old for this kind of babysitter shit, really.
  14. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    looks like im part of the community of trackers....

    doh! too late!
  15. Editited link..
  16. Cea

    Cea is up to no good :-D

    Well the core of the problem is that MindArk chooses to publish the globals in everyone's chat logs. There should really be an in-game option to turn it off, to satisfy the privacy fetishists. Of course that may be against MAs business model (can't turn off the HoF spam etc) - has anyone actually asked them? :wink:
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