Tonight I finally unlocked a hidden skill I have been pushing for quite a while now; Combat Sense! I have been grinding Allos/Estos quite heavily for a few days to get the bar the last few pixels up to level 50 Laser Pistoleer (Hit), but it was during tonight's Ituma hunt it finally ticked over and the message came up; Combat Sense unlocked! Not a single chip inserted so far, so still 100% natural skills and well above 90% of the work done with the trusty P5a(L) or H400(L). Not a big fan of the more powerful (L) guns which still have a quite hefty markup... Hopefully that will change in the future. But what I am even more proud of is that I have done it all without depositing since the initial ~500 PED deposit I did after a few weeks into the game back in summer 2007. I sure had some luck along the way, won't deny that, but I would say it is definitely possible to play for free and even make profit if you play smart and stay disciplined. On to Commando! Will take forever, but still ;) :D