Entropia News: Compet Abilities no.3

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. ComPet: Behind The Game

    #14 Abilities no.3

    It’s really important to pick a good set of abilities before taking your pet into battle. And in ComPet there are loads of abilities! Here’s a few of them to give you an idea of the huge range of moves in ComPet!


    Venomous Bite

    If you have the initiative, "Venomous Bite" poisons the opponent by a specific amount for 5 turns! Also, it instantly inflicts an unknown amount of direct damage within a certain range.


    Vampire Bite

    A many-layered ability, if certain conditions are met!

    “Vampire Bite” instantly inflicts an unknown amount of direct damage within a certain range. The amount of direct damage inflicted is significant: under the following conditions it determines the effectiveness of the ability.

    If you have the intitiative:

    • Heals you for 50% of the direct damage inflicted.

    If the opponent also has a "Burn" debuff:

    • Heals you for a further 50% of the direct damage inflicted.


    A useful instant healing ability. Heals for a specific amount of health points and removes 1 debuff.



    A long-lasting healing ability, “Regeneration” heals for a specific percentage of your max health for 4 turns.

    Please Note: All abilities have different ranks. The higher the rank of an ability, the higher the stats (eg. “Bite” rank 1, “Bite” rank 2 etc.).

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