Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by NotAdmin, Jul 4, 2010.

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  1. Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

    haha. I noticed you gave me a couple of visits. I'll be sure to return the favor :p

    narfi: sorry about jumping mid-round. I thought I asked about being moved before the next round started, but I guess wiz had other plans. foul still has the major advantage in this game though, with or without me :)
  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

    Yeah its all in good fun :)

    Sorry to see you go down after all the work to build you up though :P

  3. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

    Wizz don't forget the other two good suggestions by Akoz. (quoted above)
  4. Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

    Learn php, then help with the forum upgrade, then ask me again :nana:
  5. Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

    Direct your complaints to Akoz, please ;)

    As for publishing info about game mechanics - i think it is part of the game to not be able to calculate everything precisely - other than that, work together and find out. :)
  6. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

    work together and find out.

    yeah I did that and was accused of cheating.


    The point is you always know the newest rules, which was fine when i was on your team, but I knew then it wasnt fair and thats why i made the request then as well. It is even more important now that im not.

    Get my point?

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  7. Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

    I have to second that.. as long as the codewriter(+s?) are playing it's only fair that the game mechanics are shared with everyone. Nobody wants to waste a full round due to experimentation to find out how things work.
  8. Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

    Well, most of the players have an "unfair" advantage, because they tested the game mechanics in the first (beta) round - don't blame others for you being late... ;)
  9. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Conquest forum game: Discussion thread

    yup you got that right.

    Now it's really bugging me i'm going to stop reading this thread since i cannot tell what thread it is from index page (i.e. it's not been renamed....*hint* *hint* ....*nudge* *nudge*

    *wink* *wink* )
  10. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    I have NO clue what you're talking about ??? :dunno:

  11. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Thanks for changing thread name.

    I hate to say this but I would have to agree with narfi and akoz. Reminds me a bit of MA this when they do new releases without any content info. They are a bit better than before at least now we get some info...

    The trick is in how you word the content/manual of this game. I think it is possible to give generic info to everyone whilst keeping some game mechanics hidden (if that's what concerns you).
  12. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    typical woman when she says no means yes :thumbup:

    Thanks for changing it (if it's you that changed it) :beerchug:
  13. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    NP :beerchug: (it was me)
  14. The conquest system consists of 8 scripts, together they have a size of ~ 100 KByte - there is no formatting, this is the plain text size (for comparison, 1 page of text written with a type writer has roughly 2000 character, this are ~2 KByte only)

    I have changed parts of two of these scripts (maybe another line or two in a third script)

    The information i have gained while working on these scripts are very limited, as i.e. the battle outcomes are calculated in different part, parts i have not worked on (and actually, i wish i had such a good memory)

    Now, why am i telling you all this?

    I am strongly against publishing exact details about how the conquest system works (i.e. quoting entire formulas), partially because i think this would kill the fun, the game is already very predictable, partially because i think that, once we started publishing details, the players will demand more details... and detailed knowledge will nothing but help people exploit possible weaknesses of the system (and don't tell me this won't happen, we've already seen what happend w/o detail knowledge) - and last but not least, because this will still favour people who are good at math, and those with little math skills will be even more discriminated.

    Most of the little knowledge i do have has been shared in public (i.e. the tax depending on the troop size, and the max. tax of ~75%) - a while ago already.

    Now, i don't want people to feel uncomfortable, or think that me taking part in the conquest game is an unfair advantage for one of the nations.
    This doesn't apply to Lykke (unless she has learned coding secretly during the last months, but then again, i'd be pissed if she doesn't help me out then... but that's beside the point here) and only to a very small extent to Peter, who didn't even sign up for the current round (and didn't really play during the beta test, lack of time there, too).

    So, if only a single one of you feels uncomfortable with me playing, please post it here - and i will immediately resign from the game.
    I won't take it personal, but as i will be unable to test things (i.e. settings) myself, i will not give the conquest game the same high priority on my todo-list that it used to have until now.

    This offer is ofc, limited time-wise (3 days/72 hrs from now), so you can't suddenly discover any unfair advantage just because the molisk tribe is about to win... :nana:

    If noone speaks up during that 3-day period, expect me to ignore anything that hints that i'd have an unfair advantage thereafter.
  15. This game wouldn't be fun for me if it wasn't about discovering things and act upon the edge that such information gives me.
  16. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Calm down wizz, I don't mind you playing and am not accusing you of cheating.

    I truly think you and peter have done a great job with this addition to the forum and just want to help you make it better by offering my opinion and suggestions.

    But the fact remains that I believe you are wrong in your insistence not to publish more information.

    Part of all strategy games is understanding the mechanics both the fixed formulas and the affects of chance.

    Take for instance the board games "Risk" or "Axis & Allies" or even "Civilization the board game" or any of a dozen other similar games.

    There are set rules, the "mechanics" of the game that everyone must follow. Chance also plays a big factor in these games (you can have overwhelming troops and loose them all by repeatedly rolling 1s) The point is that the "chance" factor is known by everyone playing and it is also part of the "rules"

    You are being two faced when you say that part of the game is to discover how it works and then accuse people who use their discoveries of "exploiting" or "cheating" they are actually trying to play the game the way you have stated it should be played.

    It would be like accusing someone of "cheating" if they didn't build a village in "civilization the board game" after they had used one of their "exploratory turns" to "discover" that the territory they were on was desert and wouldn't be productive for them.

    It is a strategy game, so of course people are going to collaborate and figure out the best way to win. A good player will make himself stronger than everyone else. A better player will make the necessary sacrifices to make his team, nation, faction or whatever you want to call it stronger than everyone else.

    This is how it should be and it is fun! :)

    keep up the good work, I truly am enjoying myself and trying to help you with my suggestions.

  17. a) I am calm, this is not an emo thread - if you think that me playing is unfair i will resign, simple as that - but i will not reveal game mechanics, as this would kill the fun.

    b) Why you play EU, where almost everything is unknown, not only the "luck factor", but pretty much everything is blurry - sorry, can't accept that point.

    c) About me being two faced - well, there is a painfully obvious difference between things that may (and should) be discovered, because they were meant to be part of the gameplay - and things that should not work like they do and are nothing else but an exploit.

    Usually even the dumbest can tell them apart, i.e. by the MASSIVE advantage these "discoveries" give, and that bit of guilty conscience when you use it again - that you mix these up, deliberately, very aware of the difference - that is what i'd rate "two-faced".

    My decison stands, i'll rather quit than publish details, if you're unhappy with my decision, well, anyone that wishes to be removed from the game can PM me and i will do so.
  18. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Just adding my opinion for a second. I can see where some of you are coming from. I asked wizzszz to therefore share some of the formulas and calculations used, and ensure everybody gets off on the same level.

    As he stated, though, there is quite a bit of code affecting outcomes of battles, and all kinds of other mechanisms making the game work. Revealing one formula will not do much to help out, meaning that we foresee the releasing of one formula leading to demands for others to be released as well. While there is a great deal of randomization and chance taking place, it would also mean part of the fun of the game would dissappear. Like in EU, part of the game involves figuring out what works, and what does not. That happens through trying different methods and taking note of when something works well.

    If we would release the internal mechanisms of the game, that would be gone from the game, and one would end up where all teams would use the most efficient method to build up, and the deciding factor would be switched from knowledge gained through experimenting to a system where those online most or first would win. I have to admit that I'm not too keen on that happening, because it would turn the adventure game that would keep you fascinated for weeks into basically some form of an interactive movie where you just follow the walkthrough and loose out on quite a bit of additional charm.

    wizzszz offered to remove himself from the game itself instead, thereby removing the mere suggestion of a conflict of interest and possible advanced knowledge for whichever team he would be in. He did this of his own free will. If you truly do think that wizzszz will share information with teams that otherwise would be hidden, this is your chance to speak up.
  19. Shadowsong

    Shadowsong Born Again Noob

    Wizzszz and I don't always see eye-to-eye, but I don't view him as an unscrupulous sh*t who would cheat. My vote is let him keep playing.

    *Possible glitch - spy mission does not update "last succesful" time on the overview... I ran one last night, and another this morning (on the same player), but it still indicates last nights run as "last succesful".
  20. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    I'm going to switch sides. I think wizz may be right about not sharing game mechanics, it'll just be a formula we are all following and hence loose any interest.

    Also i don't think wizz should resign. He's shown he's quite capable of being "professional". It would be a sad loss to the game to see him go.

    There are allready rules set out which we can follow. Do we really need the formulas? guess not, after playing for a few days we allready know roughly what we are doing...

    A suggestion though for the next round it would be a good idea to have a initial truce period i.e. when the game is started the attack function cannot be used for a period e.g. 72 hours. This gives everyone a chance to be ready, what happened in recent games was players who first started immediately looted others who haven't even logged in yet.

    In the beta version i think we had an unwritten rule to be sensible and some manners and didn't do that. However this time round events were different.
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